Chaptet 9

544 20 2

(Taylor's POV) "It's all over the news. But you know they won't change their mind." Paul is explaining to me how the news of Harry putting Ed in a coma won't change the opinions of the directioners on Harry.

"I know. I hate how they love them no matter the decisions One Direction makes."

"The love for that boy band is outrageous!"

"I know... Can you please get me a latte from Starbucks for me?" I ask with slight puppy dog eyes.

"Sure Taylor," Paul smiles and walks out if the cafeteria. I love the members of my band.

"Taylor Swift to the lobby, Taylor Swift to the lobby." A woman's voice says over the intercom. I get up and walk to the lobby if the hospital.

"Miss Swift," The doctor says as I enter the lobby, "I have news of Ed."

"What is it?!"I say worried, nervous, and excited.

"The brain activity in Ed's brain has been increasing. He should be waking up with in a week."

"Oh my gosh, that's wonderful! Oh thank you, doctor!" I say excitedly while holding my hand over my mouth.

This is the best news ever! I get out my phone and tweet,

"I have good news everyone! Ed is going to be ok! The doctor said he will wake up with in a week!"

As soon as I tweet, people are retweeting, favoriting, and commenting with emojis showing how happy my fans are. I love my fans.

Soon after my tweet, my phone vibrates. It's a text from Ed's brother.

"Saw your tweet. Me and my parents are leaving in a couple days to come see Ed. Thank God he's going to be ok!"

Ed's brother is so nice. I've only met him once, but I know he's a very nice guy.

"Hey Taylor, got your latte. Plus, I saw your tweet! That's wonderful news!" Paul says, walking up to me.

"Thanks and I know right?! Also, Ed's family is coming in a few days to see him.

"That's good. Ed will be happy to see them."

"Yeah... Hey, I want my latte."

"Oh right, here." Paul hands me my latte. I take a sip.

"Starbucks never fails to satisfy my tastebuds. Gets even better every time."

"Starbucks lives up to it's name."

"Sure does." I take another sip of my latte. Things are looking up.


*5 days later*

"So Taylor, what are the plans for the Red Tour since Ed may have a cast on for a while?" Matthew (Ed's brother) asks me.

"Well, I figured since we're on a break, that we would try to see if he could heal fast enough before the next performance."

"Yeah. Hey, lunch is about to be served, want to come down with us?"

"No thanks. I'm not hungry right now. I might come down later."

"Ok. See you down there, maybe."

"Bye." Ed's brother and parents leave his room.

I look over at Ed. He looks so peaceful. I look away for a moment. I hear the covers of Ed's bed rustle. I look back at him again. I must be paranoid. But then a moan comes from Ed's direction. His foot twitches under the covers. His eyes start moving under his eyelids. Is he waking up?

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