Chapter 3

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(Taylor's POV) I just got the saddest news ever. Harry has to go on a year long tour with the boys. The same time I'll be on my Red tour.

"Taylor? You still there?" Harry asks over the phone.

"Yeah, I'm still here."

"I know it's shocking. I was too when our manager told us we would be starting two months earlier than planned. I only have a week 'til I have to go. In sorry, Taylor."

"I understand. Plans change, but it's not your fault. Oh Harry, I'm really going to miss you. Can you come over?"

"At 12:30 AM?"

"Yes, I need you here with me."

"Ok, I'm coming. See you in fifteen." Harry hangs up. I wait anxiously, checking the time every three seconds. Finally there's a knock on my door. I open the door and as expected, it's Harry.

"Hey." Harry says

"Hey." Harry walks in and we go to my couch.

"I wish I didn't have to leave do soon. I was looking forward to watching you perform every night for a couple weeks."

"I was too. I'll send videos if you'd like?"

"That would be great. And I'll send you videos."

I smile at Harry and lay my head on his shoulder. I close my eyes, drifting away into sleep.


I wake up to the sound of a knock on the door. Harry gets up off the couch to answer it. He must have stayed the whole night here.

"Oh. Hi." Harry says.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"It's Ed."


"We're rehearsing today remember?" Ed says, looking around Harry at me. He's wearing his letterman jacket.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Do you mind if Harry comes? I wanted to kind of hang out with him today."

"Well... ," Ed says, looking at Harry cautiously. "I guess it's fine. But he's not joining in. He can watch."

"Um... Ok, that's fine." Ed seems a little edgy around Harry. I thought they were friends. Could it be the fact that Harry hurt me? Ed did say he was going to beat him when he first saw me that day. What ever it is, Ed is really pissed.

I leave Harry and Ed in the living room. I go to get ready for the day. I change out of my pjs and into a nice outfit. I put up my hair in a pony tail and put on my makeup.

"Taylor, can you hurry up? We're supposed to be there in thirty minutes." Ed calls from the living room.

"Just a minute, Ed." I say as I put on my mascara.

I grab my bag and keys and walk past Harry and Ed to go out the door. The boys follow close behind. We take the elevator down and then head into the parking lot.

"I'll drive you there, Taylor." Harry says to me.

"Thanks." I smile at Harry. But as I look over Harry'a shoulder, Ed is already in his car. He looks sad.

"What's wrong?" Harry says, snapping my attention back to him.

"Nothing. Nothing."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Lets get going." We walk over to Harry's new Mustang. We get in the car, and drive to the Icahn Stadium. Ed follows us there.

"Where are we going?" Harry asks.

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