Chapter 6

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(Ed's POV) Taylor has spent the entire week with me. It's been wonderful having her around after not seeing her for a month. She seems much happier. Happier than the day I first met her. That makes me happy.

"Hey, Taylor, want to see what's on T.V.?" I ask Taylor as she walks in the room.

"Sure. Lets watch CMT Pure!"(real music tv channel)

"Ok, ok. Then we're watching Swerv." (another real music tv channel)

"Ok." She says smiling. I turn on the T.V. and flip to CMT Pure.

We watch T.V. for almost an hour when Taylor gets a text.

"Who's it from?" I ask.

"It's from Selena." She opens the text. Suddenly, she looks pale. Like she can't breathe. I take her phone and see what it says. It says,

"I received this from a friend who saw this happen backstage at One Direction's concert the other night. I'm so sorry Tay. Call or text me if you need anything.


Below that is a picture of Harry making out with a girl I don't recognize. How, what?! I am for sure going to kill that boy!

"Oh, god. Taylor, I'm so sorry." I grab Taylor and embrace her. She sobs into my shoulder. Even though she was going to break up with him, she's still heartbroken.

"I can't believe he did this to me." Taylor says between sobs. "I know it's stupid I'm upset. Even though I was going to break up with him, he was someone I was with. This is stupid of me to say, but I still kind of loved him."

"I know. I understand. Sometimes I would still love my exes for a while. You'll be fine. I'm here, I'm here for you."

"I'm so glad I have you, Ed." Taylor looks up at me, a slight smile on her face.

"Me too. How about I draw you a bath? You need to relax."

"Thanks, Ed. I'd love that."

"Ok. I'll be right back." I squeeze Taylor's hand and get up to draw her a bath. I'm glad I was here for her when she received that text. She needs someone who can absolutely understand.

(Taylor's POV) Ed walks out of the room to draw me a bath. He's so sweet. Harry would have never done that for me. Maybe it's a good thing I found out he never really loved me. But feeling that he didn't makes me feel like a fool. Who am I kidding? I am a fool. I knew what Harry's past relationships were like. Ugh, I'm-

"Taylor, your bath is ready. I even- Taylor, you're crying again."

"Oh gosh." I wipe the tears away as Ed sits down next to me.

"You upset about Harry again?"

"I'm upset because he never really loved me. I feel like a fool that I was with someone who didn't love me but I love them. I've been a fool in my past five relationships. Maybe I'm being a fool for loving you. Who knows, maybe we'll end in tragedy."

"Taylor, pace yourself. You're not a fool. Harry, Jake, Joe, Conner, John, and Taylor were the fools. What we have is real. I would never want to leave or hurt you in anyway. I'm going to love you forever and always."

"How do you know that? How do I even know that?! Ugh. I'm so confused!" Another tear slides down my face and lands on Ed's hand. He doesn't even notice.

"You don't need to be. What I'm telling you is true."

"You'll love me, forever and always?"

"Forever and always. Even after the day I die."

Forever & Always (A Ted Sweeran Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now