Chapter 4

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(Ed's POV) I'm preparing for my performance for a party in Manhattan. I tune my guitar, check the mic, and make sure everything is set. Before I go on, I check to see if Taylor is somewhere in the crowd. No sign of her. She's probably with Harry.

"Alright, it's time for you to go on!" Stuart, my manager, says. I walk on stage and am greeted by cheering and applause.

"Hello everyone. I just want to say that I'm glad to be here. Also, I have a surprise for you all tonight. You will know it by the end of the performance." Cheers and hollering come from the crowd at the news of there being a surprise.

I first play "Kiss Me". The rest of the songs fly by. After everyone, I check to see if Taylor has arrived. She hasn't.

"Umm... I'm not sure if I can give you the surprise tonight, everyone. I was hoping a special person would arrive. But they haven't so I-" I look to the back of the crowd and there she is. Standing there with her jacket wrapped tight around her. "Never mind, ladies and gentlemen. I shall give the surprise! I am going to perform a new song I just wrote. Its called "Be Mine"." People cheer and applaude.

I start playing the chords. I sing "You have him, he has you, I only have the thought of you being with me, I could give you everything," I continue my song. Then, when I approach the chorus, I stare right at Taylor. "Why can't you see? I'll be there for you and never let you go-oh-oh. And he will leave you without a trace, so why can't you be mi-i-i-i-ine." Tears start to well up in my eyes. The thought that Taylor is with the wrong person and her getting to hear this song, overwhelms me. But I keep going.

At the end of my song, everyone cheers. I quickly set my guitar down, and rush over to Taylor.

"What did you think?" I ask Taylor when I approach her.

"It was very beautiful. The lyrics go with the chords perfectly!"

"Thanks. I knew you'd like it. I looked for you. Where were you?"

"I got stuck at dinner with my band. But at least I made it for the last song."

"Yeah. I'm glad you did."

"By the way, who was it about?"

"You." I blurt out. Oh sh*t.

(Taylor's POV) " By the way, who was it about?"

"You." Ed blurts out.


"Yes, it's about you." Ed wrote a song about me? No, this can't happen. I start to back away. But Ed grabs my arm.

"Let ago!"

"Taylor, please don't be mad. You know all of it is true. I still love you."

"But I'm with Harry! You know that! Why would you release that without my permission?"

"I didn't think I needed permission to say what I feel!"

"I don't want to see you anymore. You're making this too hard!" I break away from Ed's grip and run out. I quickly get in my car and drive away. It starts to rain.

I get a text from Harry. It says, "Plans have been changed. I'm leaving at 5AM to start the tour. Talk to you when I land.


My world is falling apart.

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