Chapter 5

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(Taylor's POV) It's been a month since Harry left for his tour. Since I've last seen Ed. After a month of being in denial that me and Harry could make this work, I realize it won't. I've tried to make this kind of thing work before. It didn't end well.

I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm leaving Nashville, and going to London to see Ed. I really need someone to talk to. He's the only one who gets me the most.


"Yes, Taylor?" My mom looks up from her computer to look at me.

"I need to go to London to see Ed."

"It's noon. You wouldn't get there 'til it was three in the morning there."

"I know. I just really need to see him."

"I thought you were mad at him?"

"I just need to see him."

"Fine. I'll call the airport and get your jet ready."

"Thanks mom." My mom picks up her cell to make the arrangements.

"Ok. Ok. Thanks, bye."

"When do I leave?"

"In an hour."

"Ok, I'll pack now." I get up off the couch and go to my room to pack. I'm ready in five minutes.

"You're ready?" My mom says as I walk into the living room.

"Yeah. Hey, can you come with me so you can take my car home?"

"Yeah, sure hon."

About half an hour later, we leave. It takes about fifteen minutes to get to the airport. We finally get there, and pull up near my jet.

"Ok, when will you be back?" My mom asks as we approach my jet.

"Between three days and a week. I might come back with Ed when he comes back."

"Alright, I love you."

"I love you too, mom." We hug and then I get on the jet.

"You ready to go, Taylor?" The pilot asks.

"Ready." I answer. Ten minutes later, we take off. This flight isn't going to go fast enough.


"Taylor, we're here."

"Huh?" I wake up to the pilot standing in front of me.

"We're here. In London."

"Oh, thanks!" I take my suite case and get off the jet. I grab a cab and tell the driver the address.

I arrive at the small house Ed has. I give the driver the money and go up to Ed's house. It's close to 7AM . Ed is probably still sleeping. I knock. No answer.I knock again. This time I hear footsteps. The door opens, revealing a groggy Ed.

"Taylor? What are you doing here?" Ed says rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"I needed to see you."

"Uhm... alright. Come in." I walk in and set my suite case next to a table and face Ed.

"I'm sorry I got so mad at you, Ed. I just couldn't except then that you love me. I had realized yesterday that a long distance relationship with Harry, just isn't going to work. I needed to talk to you about it. In person."

"I see.. And I'm sorry I was trying to be so forward on you. I shouldn't have since you're still with Harry. By the way, I heard that he texted you that night. It was about the tour, wasn't it?"

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