Chapter 11

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(Ed's POV) "Thanks!" I call to the last person that leaves. That party was amazing!

"Hey, Ed." Taylor says approaching me.

"Hey, where you been?"

"I was letting you catch up with your old school mates. And letting you have fun."

"Thanks." Taylor looks down once more to hide her expression. "Ok, what's up? You want to tell me something."

"I was thinking that we could tweet saying that we're dating. Right now."

"You sure?"

"Very sure." We take out our phones.

I tweet,

"Had a blast at my "You Are No Longer Handicapped" party. Ok, since I'm making announcements, I need to say something. I'm. Dating. Taylor. Alison. Swift. @taylorswift13"

I look at my feed and Taylor tweeted,

"I had so much fun at @edsheeran's party. Speaking of him, I must confess something. I'm dating him. #inlovewithedwardchristophersheeran"

I notice that my post is getting a crazy amount of likes, retweets, and comments.

"Whoa," I say out loud.

"Your news feed blowing up?"


"Mine too." We smile at each other.

My phone vibrates with texts. They all say, "How could you keep this from me (link to my latest tweet.)", "Caught a nice one, mate!", "Congrats!", and "Give me a kissy photo.". Ok, that last one was from Reid.

"You getting texts?"

"Yes, you should see Amos's text." Taylor hands me her phone. Amos's text reads,


"Oh my gosh that's hilarious! I could totally see him jumping while saying this."

"I swear he can be a little kid sometimes."

"He's just an oversized one."


"Hey, we should clean up."

"Yeah." Taylor and I start cleaning up all the cups (red solo cups!), napkins, beer bottles, and any other trash.

"Wanna stop? We can finish in the morning." I say after a couple hours of cleaning. It's getting close to 3AM.

"Yeah, sure." We throw out the full trash bags and take a rest on Taylor's couch. I lay sideways on the couch and Taylor lays with her back against my chest between my legs.

"You tired? I'm tired."

"Very. Oh, Ed?"


"I need to show you something." Taylor takes out something wrapped in tissues. She hands it to me.

"What is it?"

"Just look." Taylor starts to fiddle with her shirt. It's a nervous gesture.

"Ok..." I open up the tissues and a white stick thing is inside. On a little screen on it, there's a positive sign on it. "What is it?"

"A pregnancy test." She says quietly, but I hear her.


"I'm pregnant."

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