Chapter 7

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(Taylor's POV)

*knock* *knock*

There's a knock at my front door as I'm sitting on the couch with Ed. I get up and see who it is. I look through the window to find Harry standing there.

"Oh, Harry's here!" I yell so Ed can hear me so he can hide. I open the door and a nervous Harry walks in.

"Uhm... Hey." Harry says, taking off his jacket and shutting the door.

"Hi." I say blankly.

"You texted me last night saying you wanted to talk to me?"

"Yes I did, and it's important."

"Ok." Harry gulps. I have a feeling he knows about the video of him when he was drunk. I walk into the large kitchen and Harry follows.

"I know what you did last week. I know about both events." I say, leaning on the granite counter.

A confused yet scared Harry looks at me.

"What events?"

"For starters, Selena sent me a picture of you and a girl kissing at one of your concerts. Second, the video of a drunken you on MTV. But I think we should break up."

"Taylor, I didn't mean for any of that I-"

"I was going to break up with you because of the long distance relationship. But now, it's about last week."

"Taylor, I'm sorry. Just give me a second chance."

"No, I've done second chances in the past. Those second chances didn't work."

"Please, babe, I-"

"No. And don't call me 'babe'. Now get out. We're through."

Harry has nothing to say and walks out. I hear the door slam. I cover my face with my hand and feel the tears on it.

"You ok, Taylor?" Ed says. I hear him walking towards me.

"Ugh, I don't know..." I say into my hand.

"What about the break up got to you?" Ed says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"It's just, Harry seemed so sincere about how he regretting it and wanted a second chance. I almost wanted to. But second chances with others don't work for me."

Ed sighs, "I see. I'm sorry about all this. I have always wished you had found me before the others. Your heart has been broken too many times."

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