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Present Day

Avertizare 1

Arrow fumbles with the keys in her hand, tired fingers struggling to get the damn thing into the hole. When she finally manages to get it in and twist it, the door to the apartment opens easily, and she walks in and shuts it behind her.

Tossing her bags onto the couch, Arrow yawns, stretching out her muscles before realizing that she's not alone. Calum's home, snoring rather loudly in their shared bed, clothes strewn all over the floor. She sighs.

"Cal." She calls without looking at him. "Get up, you know you have a gig this afternoon and practice in two hours."

He just grunts, rolling over so his back is to her. She pulls off her shoes, tossing one onto the couch. The other she uses to throw at Calum's back, watching it bounce off the area between his shoulder blades.

Now he gets up, to groan loudly and rub his eyes. "What was that for?"

"Just be glad I didn't wear heals today." Is all she says, laughing. "Get up babe, it's noon."

She let him sleep in this morning, because he had a nightmare and was up for two hours the night before. Normally they both wake up and eat breakfast together, but today was an exception.

Arrow heads to the fridge and pulls out some sandwich stuff for lunch. She's only got an hour before she's got to head back to work. Calum joins her a few minutes later, clad in nothing but boxers and the rock necklace, picking up a piece of ham to shove it in his mouth. He kisses her cheek, arm going around her shoulders. "How's work going?"

"Good." She replies, spreading mayo on a piece of bread. "Lea keeps eyeing Michael with undying sexual desire and it's getting incredibly annoying, though."

He snorts. "What's new?" He picks up a piece of cheese, taking a bite out of the square. "Is this all we have for lunch?"

"Until we go to the store Monday, yes. Not my fault you ate all of the frozen pizzas."

He grumbles something that sounds a lot like 'but they were good' before giving in and making a sandwich for himself. Arrow finishes hers and heads to the couch, shoving her shoe off and sitting cross legged, cracking open a can of Dr. Pepper. She bites a huge chunk out of the bread and meat, before pulling her phone out to check the time. She's got 45 minutes.

"What do you want to do?" She asks Calum when he sits down next to her, already through with half of his sandwich. She stares fondly at his messy bed hair and pink-rimmed eyes, the chocolate brown irises as soft as cotton. He raises his eyebrows at her with a mouthful of food, and proceeds to wiggle them.

Arrow laughs and shoves him playfully. "You got sex last night, we're not doing it again this early in the day."

He swallows, clutching his chest in exaggerated offense. "Of course not! Why would you think I'd even suggest sort of a thing? I meant we could play a long and vigorous game of UNO."

She shakes her head, not being able to resist leaning in for a kiss. He tastes like brownies, as per usual, despite the ham and cheese in his mouth. "You hate UNO."

"But you don't."

They do end up playing the stupid card game, after they finish eating. Calum insists that every time he gets an uno he should get a kiss as well, and Arrow agrees because she knows he's just doing this to make her feel comfortable. She loves him to death for it.

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