French Braid and Dutch Braid

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Hey guys today I am going to show you how to do a French Braid and a Dutch Braid. They are the same thing except you put the strands over on a French Braid and under on a Dutch Braid. 
These hairstyles are great for sports and stay in well for most hair types.

You can start it wherever you want. Two examples are right where your hair starts and ear to ear. I prefer right where your hair starts at the front of your head because it holds better with my layers and I love the Dutch Braid look.
Time Length: 10 min. at the most depending on how much hair you have, how good you are with the hair, and the size of your pieces. You could also do in 2 min. if you start ear to ear and use huge pieces.

LOD: easy/intermediate

French Braid:
Step 1: Take a small section of hair from the middle of the head wherever you decide to start and separate it into 3 pieces.

Step 2: Start a basic braid

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Step 2: Start a basic braid. Cross right over middle then left over middle. Look at my tutorial for a basic braid if you don't know how. Do this once.

Step 3: Now, add in hair to your right piece and cross it over the middle piece. It becomes your new middle. Make sure to keep it tight.

Step 4: Add in hair to your left piece and cross it over the middle and it becomes the new middle.

Step 4: Continue this until you add in all your hair.

Step 5: Once you run out of hair to add in you can either secure with an elastic or hair tie. Or you can just braid it all the way to the end of your hair with a basic braid and secure with a hair tie or elastic. Now, you can go back and loosen it or just leave it how it is.

Dutch Braid: Follow all of the steps you did for a French Braid

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Dutch Braid:
Follow all of the steps you did for a French Braid. The only difference is in steps 2,3,4, and 5 cross the hair under the middle instead of over. Keep this one tight or it won't look right. Your braid should be popping out. Like it almost sets on top of your head. You can also start this one wherever you want.

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These pictures are of my mom's hair

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These pictures are of my mom's hair. The first one is mine. Thanks Mom even though you aren't on here.
So next week I am going to show you guys some ways you can do these hairstyles by making them into other ones. Like a braided headband or side French/Dutch braid.

YouTube: CGH Reverse ( Dutch ) French Braid and CGH How to French Braid #2.

So hey guys I hope you liked these hairstyles. They will take practice. It took me a while to learn them but once you get it they are so simple. They have the same concept but look completely different. The reason I said up to ten minutes is because it could take awhile to do once you get it. If I want to do it nice I can do it in about five minutes and if I just want my hair out of my face in a braid I can do it in like two minutes. It all just depends on how you do it.
So many of you know I am a swimmer. If you don't then now you do. Anyway I am going to start writing a book that revolves around swimming. I am not sure how yet but yep. I am going to TRY and post in around June but this is not for sure. Just wanted to let you guys know. Don't hold me to that month it may be earlier or later I don't know. I am going to be starting USA swimming, which is where you swim year round and it is more competitive, very soon. Also I am going to be going to high school in the beginning of August. New school, new teachers, different people, more work, high school swim. I am going to be a lot more busy so it may be harder to update while I adjust to all that. I am just thankful I am going to a smaller school for high school. I am a good student and normally finish my work earlyish so I should be fine. I am excited and nervous. If you guys can relate or have any advice let me know.
If you have any questions about hairstyles, swim, life or anything let me know and I will do my best on answering them. I encourage you to join a swim team nearby where you live. If you want more info on that let me know. I can message you about it. If all of you want to know more about swimming and my experience I can do a double update with that and a hairstyle. Or a Q&A and hairstyle.  Ok I talk too much even though I am actually shy if you were to meet me. If you made it this far thanks for reading me ramble on. Good job! Sorry I am just really crazy so yep. I am going to do a quote of the week (QOW) and today is 2 funny swim quotes.

Or your foot or catching your pinkie toe on a lane line

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Or your foot or catching your pinkie toe on a lane line. 😂😥 Ouch!!

I got these off Pinterest

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I got these off Pinterest. 

Stay awesome! I love you guys. Byeeeeeeee

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