Chapter 4

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I wasn't planning on doing any Author notes, but I wanted to say to the people that are reading this..

"Thank-you so much! I really want to make this a good story and an exciting one! If you guys could comment on things I could improve and things you like it would be amazing!!!! I love you alll!!"

Please if you can, Vote, comment. Anything to get this out there.

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Thanks! Xxx

Have a chapter, I'm feeling kind :)


I stared in amazement at the bouncing whir infront of me. A grown 'sociapath' is dancing around the flat because he had his first I supposed to dance with him? Am I supposed to stand here gawking at him or should I sit him down and try and calm his excited mood down?

I decided that it was best to dance wth him, because I am over-joyed as well. I grinned wildly and jumped up and down with him, holding my hands up in front of me. Curled up in fists going "Yesss!! Woo!" While Sherlock decided to stand on the table, holding both his hands up in the air shouting "Victory is mine brother! I won!"     I stopped dancing around like a mad man and collpased on the sofa. Sherlock jumped down from the table and opened the door. I was about to protest that he should stay in as people don't really know he's alive yet. But instead of walking out he called to Mrs Hudson. 

"Mrs Hudson! Mrs Hudson!"

"Yes deary?"

"I did it Mrs Hudson! A few years too late but I did it! I won against my brother!"

"Oh well done Sherlock! I'm so proud of you! and you too John! Bless you both" 

After that Sherlock closed the door quickly and creepily turned his body round without moving his legs. His face was supposed to be scary, but it set off a nerve in my body causing me to be in an uncontrollable fit of laughter. He stared at me weirdly which caused tears to come to my eyes and me to roll forwards and backwards in my sitting position on the sofa. It started to creak but I just couldn't stop. My sides started to rip. I could feel the muscles, that haven't been used for years, start to loosen after some use. I slowed down enough to breathe again which was an indicator to Sherlock that he could stop staring at me weirdly and bring in the tea that I hadn't manged to drink yet. 

"Thanks, Umm...I'm err sorry about that. I don't know what came over me. Just...adrenaline or something, probably" I said the probably as I was sipping my tea and it came out a bit like 'wobbily'. But luckily Sherlock understood.

"Yes, well John. You weren't the only one showing a nature unseen before, as you heard I was shouting victory" Yes Sherlock it was very hard to not miss. You on standing on the table shouting it, gosh! I almost missed, was very concealed of you. Where did this sarcasm come from? Oh he's talking! Shh! " And well, my brother bet me that I would never come back to you, I would let you live on believing the story about my death. But if I did decide that I should return then I would never be able to tell you how felt in the first week. I bet the first day I would be able to, and so now I am owed £250. Be proud John! You aquired a boyfriend and some money!" I stared at him, smiling like he didn't just come back from the dead and that every bad feeling was removed. In fact I don't even remember why I felt so terrible, deep down in my heart the memory of him lived on and somehow I was questioning his death a lot. I smiled at Sherlock as he layed down on the sofa placing his head just above my knees and closing his eyes.

"My Sherlock, what am I going to do with you? Gambling tut tut, you should be ashamed"

"Oh be quiet John! Gambling is a way of showing off to my brother that I am in fact better and more intelligent than him because I have the brain power to guess future events in a perfect vision"

"Okay Sherlock, okay. You carry on believing that" I chuckled at my new found sarcasm. I looked down at Sherlock's beautiful face as it's glowing skin reflected the light of the street lamps outside. Somewhere along the line it was dark outside, causing our flat to be enclosed in a cape of  darkness; minus the street lamp. His face was also staring back at me, but instead of his pink, bow lips greeting me with their graceful curves it was a pink blob. I made it out to be his tongue and I laughed. 

"Sherlock Holmes, the highly functioning sociapath. The robot of no emotions and the intelligent adult out of all of us. Are you sticking your tongue out at me! Doctor John Watson!" 

"Yes, and I shall do it again." He bluntly said in his 'know-it-all' voice. And stuck his tongue out again at me and made a smiley smug face at me. I reached down kissed his lips gently.

"I'm off to bed. Th-thank you. For coming back and for...for everything Sherlock. You really are brilliant" 


Don't know whether I want to carry this story on anymore. SO! I 've left it at this. If you think I should carry it on please comment and if you have any ideas on how I can improve it/ carry it on. 

Thanks for reading this! 

Love you all! And happy reading! :)

Becky :D

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