Chapter 8

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I opened my eyes, to be met with another set. Except they were closed, I hitched my breath in from shock but then realization kicked in. It was Sherlock!

I moved onto my other side gently, completely flushed of all energy. Once I had turned around I saw Sherlock's floor. It had clothes and a condom packet on it. I blinked absentmindedly about last night. It was all a bit of a blur really, a rush of well needed addrenaline to calm my nerves about the fact I was indeed going to have sex, yet in a very different way than I expected as a kid. But when I was a kid I would never have thought I'd meet such an interesting and magestic man. 

Deciding against waking Sherlock up I rolled my self out of bed. I planted both feet into the smooth carpet and lifted my body off the bed. I lifted my leg to take one stride and froze. A achy pain from my hips seized my muscles. I took a deep breath and took a step. Pain shot from my hips and down to my butt. I sniggered lightly and spread my legs apart, walking awkwardly yet with little pain to the bathroom. Once in there I switched the shower on, dreading the thought of having to walk around near Sherlock like I am. But then he apparently hasn't had sex so he might be bad as well? That would certainly calm my thoughts. 

Once I had finished the shower I returned back to the bedroom to find no Sherlock and the bedsheets stripped off. Slightly confused, I went into the living room to be greeted by Mrs.Hudson. 

"Morning Mrs.Hudson"

"Good Morning John" She said with extreme emphasis. I just smiled it off and went into the kitchen. Sherlock was standing, fully clothed and with wet hair holding 2 cups of tea and figuring out how to hold a third. "Ummahem" I coughed. He looked up at me startled but then his eyes sunk into a warm happiness. I smiled at him and picked up the third mug.

"That's for you John" He said as I picked it up. I smiled at him and took a sip, perfect. I let the warm substance fill my body. "You're umm...walking quite oddly" he whispered in my ear. I flashed him a glare that told him to watch what he says but before I could even say anything he started to move into the living room, with his legs spread quite openly and almost knocked knees. I stiffled a laugh because I knew I wasn't as bad as him. He handed Mrs.Hudson her tea and looked over at me raising his eyebrows slightly. Mrs.Hudson looked like she was going to have a fit, she was smiling widely and almost bouncing. It was very strange to see her so happy.

"So, did you boys have a good night?" She said loudly, emphasising on the good and night. I cringed and walked further into the kitchen letting Sherlock handle this. I sat down gently and listened to hear the reply.

"Well, did you Sherlock?"

"Yes Mrs.Hudson. It was thrilling. I read an impressive book, quite true to it's facts. Apart from the descriptions of the body. Only idiots could say that the pupils were tiny, everyone knows they dialate once being stabbed." 

"Yes Sherlock, okay" I heard her say quietly. Obviously she had heard last night, I squeezed my eyes shut and pushed back the embarassment. I finished off my tea and walked back into the living room. Mrs.Hudson was no longer in there, just Sherlock lying on the sofa with his hands under his chin as if he was praying. Which meant I wasn't allowed to talk or make noise. So I sat down, about to pick up the newspaper when Sherlock spoke. 

"She heard us"

"Hmm I gathered that Sherlock"


He opened his eyes and sat up. Instead of curling into a ball he spralled his limbs out and looked like a floppy starfish. I looked at him, holding back my laughs then realised that I was infact sitting almost the same as him, except with more decency. Sherlock's eyes twinkled and then I couldn't hold it in any more, I started laughing. Sherlock also began to roar with laughter. It must have been 10 minutes before the uproar became small sniggers. My sides hurt more than they did before and I had shared a very long time with Sherlock doing normal happy human things. I can't believe I met this guy just by an old friend recommending a place to stay. It all seems so long ago now.

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