Chapter 7

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I gently took them from the elegant hand and plonked them into the mugs. I was about to pour the water in when a hand stopped me. I held my hand, I turned around about to protest about the fact he was stopping me from having tea when I was met by bow lips hungry for my face. Sherlock dropped my hand and put both of his cold hands just at the top of my neck eachside of my face, sending satisfying shivers down my body. He knew what he did to me so his moved his hands to the back of my head. I had no idea what I was doing but all I knew was that Sherlock wanted it.

Sherlock stopped kissing me suddenly and turned around. I looked to where his glare layed and Mrs. Hudson was standing there. 

"Oh! Sorry boys didn't mean to interrupt anything. Was just wondering how the case went, but obviously I'll come back late tomorrow perhaps..that would be best. Okay, goodnight boys" And she left.

I stood there, heart pounding.

"Ummm..." I managed to say. Sherlock looked over at me and started to smirk, I smirked back at him and then his smirk grew into a genuine smile and he poured the tea. I stayed planted slightly confused at what is going on but when I was handed my tea I went to sit the living room.  I turned around to sit on the sofa, I moved myself down and when I was on the sofa I couldn't move back because Sherlock was behind me.

"What are y-" He removed the mug of tea from my hands and attached his lips to mine again. I wasn't complaining, this side of Sherlock has probably never ever been seen and its so good. I turned around so I was facing him when I fell forwards. I was lying on top of him, hands in his hair and caressing everything I could. He pushed forwards violently with his head and became very violent with his movements. His fingertips digging in and lips almost biting off my own. I soon became very horny and I already knew Sherlock was. I released our lips and he looked at me like I was his nicotine patches. I gave him a questioning look and he suddenly managed to pick me up with his lanky yet strong arms and was carrying me into his room. 

To be quite realistic, I was terrified.

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