Chapter 9

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'It's been a week since that night, and Sherlock has been acting weird.

Monday morning he got a call, usually people text him so it was a little weird but he just brushed it off saying it was just some phone company calling him for his upgrades or somthing. But since that day he has been awfully strange, always wanting to know where I am, what's wrong with me when I sigh and just generally being over protective. It's getting on my nerves yet I can't bring myself to question him about it because it might make the situation worse.

Tuesday evening, around 5 o'clock, he reiceved another call. He dashed out of the flat with his coat and scarf leaving me the orders of "Don't follow me" . He didn't return to the flat until 4 AM Wednesday. When he crawled into bed he had wet hair and generally smelt quiet flowery, like perfume. That was the last peice of sleep I got. It's been a week since Tuesday and the most I've slept is 3 hours on the sofa. Sherlock has noticed that I've become grumpy and tired, he keeps bringing me coffee and tea. But as soon as I tried to start a conversation with him about the calls and him darting around London he suddenly just leaves the room and doesnt return for a few hours. Now I'm no expert on relationships but I think Sherlock is seeing someone else. I don't even want to say it but I think he is. Yet he does all this lovely stuff for me and will happily allow heated make-out sessions yet he always stops before it gets too close to sex. Now I'm okay with not having sex because I am only just recovered from last time, but it is very scary to think that Sherlock, my Sherlock, the virgin fairy man slept with me and then with other men. Or women. I think I'm going to have to confront him about it. See if he is, I mean he wouldn''t lie to me? I doubt he even knows how to lie! He is always Mr. Right, Mr. Perfect, he can't do anything wrong.'

"John, do you want some tea?" Sherlock said, head hooked around the kitchen wall.

"There's no milk" I replied, realizing that I've been staring at some crappy TV show.

"Oh, okay. Don't forget to get some tomorrow then" He said then left the flat.

"SHERLOCK!" I called after him. I heard a huge sigh then some very loud and slow footsteps. The door creaked open.

"Yes John?" Sherlock replied sweetly.

"Where are you going?" I sprung the question on him quite quickly, I saw his face drop a bit.

"I'm just..going out to Lestrade. I want to know whether he has a case for us. I'm terribly bored. Right! If that's it I'll be off" He started closing the door when I shouted his name again. Another sigh was released then he entered the room fully and sat down, still in his coat and scarf.

"Sherlock, what's going on?"



"John, there is no reason to worry! Just calm down! If you want I'll get the milk"

"No! Sherlock! I don't want you to get the milk! I don't want to calm down! Tell me where you are going and don't lie! If I've learnt anything from being with you it's how to read body language! Now..please. Tell me" I shouted, getting really. Sherlock looked down at his feet and then straight into my eyes. His peircing pale blue sapphires created a cage so I had to stare at them.

"John, I'm going to Lestrade. His phone is turned off. Good bye" And with that he stood up and rushed out of the room in a flurry of fury and annoyance. I sat there for a second, dumbfounded, but soon realised that if I ever wanted to get the real truth from this stubborn child I would have to follow him. I grabbed my coat and gloves, leaving 221b in a rush. I looked around and saw Sherlock walking round the corner. 'Why is he walking somewhere?' . I speed walked after him, careful not to be too noticable, but it's easy to not be noticed in the busy streets of London. A cab pulled up to Sherlock, like they always do, and then suddenly one for me. I got in and told him to follow the cab ahead. Without any question the cab followed Sherlock's until it came to some traffic lights, Sherlock's cab went left and we went straight forwards.

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