Chapter 5

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I watched John walk away to his room. He looked back at me and smiled then walked to his room.

'What's wrong with me? I just blew my cover of being a sociopath. WHY! Just because of a kiss. Sherlock you've really done it now. Remember last time this happened? They ended up on drugs and almost killed you. Why would you do this to John? He won't be able to cope. I'm so sorry john. I'm such an idiot. Yes Sherlock you are! Oh shut up!'

I got up and tidyed up the mugs and straitened the magazines into a pile on John's armchair. 'Looking around the place it doesn't look to different. Just very dusty. OH LOOK! My friend! how is your hollow brain? you dark soul trapped inside you only skull? Glad to see me? Course you are.'

I looked around a bit more, discovering anything that may have changed or be different. I saw my phone on the table. 'How did it get here?' I picked it up. Out of charge. 'But how?...ahhh. John must have gone My dear brother mycroft.'

"Hello Mycroft! I know you can somehow see me"

"Hello my dear brother"

I looked round to see him standing in the doorway. Always silent that man, like he falls through the air. Like rain, but his heart is cold.

"It's been too long. But I'm sure it's good to be 'alive' again, all the same." He carelessly said while pacing into the room looking at his cane.

"Yes, its proven to be an interesting experience" I remarked.

"Oh brother, theres no one watching. Come here" I turned to see he had both his arms out and his cane was leaning against a chair. I looked down then ran into his arms.

"I knew you weren't gone, but one can never be too sure. Emotional breakouts here and then are acceptable. But caring is not-"

"an advantage. I know Mycroft. But I cannot simple cave in to human emotions. They are diabolical. I feel distraught at the amount of emotions flying through me. I need to think straight."

Mycroft let go of me and reached for hia pocket. He pulled out a cigarette. I haven't had one in years. I looked at it, almost wanting to sntch it like a child.

"Here, have it. Consider it a welcome back gift" I took it and together we smoked in silence. Wondering what to do with our lives now. 'I'm sure some idiots will turn up again. I mean Lestrade must be getting so worn out with all the uncaught murderers. I shall start work straight away, tomorrow morning. But not after waking John up. At 5-ish I think. Give him a few hours sleep.' I threw the put out cigarette out the window and noticed that my brother had gone. 'Such a sneaky man, always aims to suprise, but maybe that's why he is called the ice man' I smiled at the events of today and grabbed my violin.

"Good morning John" I said and started to play. Louder and louder, letting the sound travel everywhere for everyone to know.

'I am back, and I am ready.'

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