Chapter 39

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Cayla's POV

This was so perfect! Harry really had surprised me. Im surprised Louis kept his big ole mouth shut. Anyway Perrie, Gemma, Anne, and i had been having a giant girl talk for about an hour and you could tell the boys were getting annoyed. After all we were talking about makeup, shoes, and girly shows. We decided to wrap up our talk.

"Well it was absolutely wonderful meeting you and Harry you better not lose this one," Anne said winking at Harry and hugging me. I hugged her back.

"I know. And i will hold on to her with my life," Harry said smiling.

Next Gemma hugged me and Harry and told us to be good and stay outta trouble. We promised we would. They both left. Harry said they had to go back home for something. We all decided to go back to the hotel. The boys, Perrie, and i hopped in the limo. We started off toward the hotel.

"Cayla!" Louis yelled at me.

"Jesus Louis! You dont have to yell! Im right across from you," i said holding my head in my hands.

"Sorry sweetie. Anyway i just wanted to say tomorrow i have a present for you so dont just leave your big brother tomorrow," Louis said smiling. I frowned.

"No! No more presents! You guys have done enough for me," I said pointing my finger at him.

"Too bad," he said smiling. I groaned.

"Cayla! I love ya," Niall said smiling and talking in a high pitched voice. I laughed like crazy.

"Love ya too Ni!" I said still giggling. We pulled up to the hotel after about 10 more minutes.

Harry and i went to his room. I just really needed to be with him. I sat on his bed and undid my boot and slid it off and just sat there looking at the brand new charm bracelet he had bough me. Harry came over and laid next to me.

"You know i really love this bracelet?" I said fiddling with it.

Harry's POV

Tonight had been so great. Cayla had met my family which was awesome and they adored her, she loved the bracelet i bought her, and now we were just hanging out and being together.

"You know i really love this bracelet?" Cayla said fiddling with it.

"You know i really love you?" I said. smiling. She began tearing up.

"Harry i-"

"Dont cry. Just kiss me," I whispered in her ear. She quickly collected herself and kissed me passionately on the lips. I kissed her back just as hard. After kissing her for a little while she pulled away.

"I have to finish packing. My flight leaves at 9 in the freaking morning," Cayla complained.

"Sorry babe. I can help you finish packing," i offered. She lit up.

"Yay! Ok lets gooo," she said running out of my door but fell miserably. She just laid there.

"Cayla are you ok?" I asked trying to hold back my laughter.

"Ya. I forgot me had no boot on. I cant really run without it. Hand it over please," she said sitting up and stretching her arm out. I handed it to her and she slid it on and fastened it up with ease.

She stood up and we walked to her room hand in hand. We went inside. Her room was a mess! Like it was worse than mine.

"Ya ya i know its messy," she said basically reading my mind. I smiled.

"Ok. Where do you want me to start?" I asked grabbing her from behind and pulling her into me. She leaned her head back and looked at me.

"Over there. I need you to just take everything out of the dresser and throw it into the suitcases," she said pointing to the dresser. I walked over to the dresser and began putting all of her stuff into the largest suitcase she had. 15 minutes later we were done.

"Done," i said taking her suitcase to her door. She turned around and smiled.

"Thanks babe! Ok im going to get ready to go to bed and then im gonna come back to your room," she said kissing my nose.

I kissed her quickly and left to go back to my room. I changed into just sweats and laid there on my bed waiting for her.

Cayla's POV

After Harry left i changed into a really big t-shirt that went down to my mid-thigh. I decided no pants cuz its HOT this summer. I placed my bags by my door and went to Harry's room. He was laying there waiting for me.

"Hello there beautiful," Harry said standing up and walking over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.

"I love you Harry," i whispered in his ear. He smiled against my neck.

"I love you too," he said kissing my neck. We walked over to his bed and he tucked me in and then laid next to me.

"Good night," i said snuggling closer to him. He pulled me closer and we fell asleep. Before falling asleep i set my alarm for 6 oclock in the morning on my phone...

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Ugghhh...thats my alarm. I rolled over and turned it off. I crawled out of bed quietly and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After taking a quick shower i wrapped my hair in a towel and wrapped my body in a towel and went to my room to get dressed.

I slid on my Mickey Mouse t-shirt and white jean shorts. I took the towel out of my hair and but my hair into a messy side braid. Today was gonna be a no makeup day. I put the rest of my stuff into my bags and went to Louis's room first. I gently woke him up. He groaned but once he saw me he quickly got out of bed and went to his dresser. He pulled out a small bag and handed it to me. I looked in the bag and it was a small stuffed bunny and it was ADORABLE!

"Awww! Thank you Louis!" I said hugging him. He hugged me back.

"Im gonna miss you Bunny," he said as he was still hugging me.

"Ok seriously where did this whole bunny thing come from?" I said laughing. He shrugged and followed me outside. The rest of the guys and Perrie were already up and were in the living room. They each hugged me and Perrie and began crying. Harry hugged me extra long and then we had a long and passionate goodbye kiss.

"I love you Harry," i said hugging him.

"I love you too," he said squeezing me even tighter. I pulled away and quickly hugged everyone else again.

The boys helped me carry my bags downstairs. Harry was having Paul drive me to the airport. I got into the car and waved goodbye to the boys. I began silently crying until we reached the airport. I slid my sunglasses on and got out of the car. Paul took my stuff into the airport and took it to the luggage place to be loaded onto my plane. I got my ticket out and walked to where my plane was boarding. I gave the lady my boarding pass and got on the plane. I took my seat right as the plane was beginning to take off. I began crying as we began moving.

I was gonna miss the boys. I was gonna miss my boyfriend. As soon as the flight attendant said we could turn our electronics on i put my headphones in and clicked shuffle on all my songs. The first song that came on was Talking To The Moon by Bruno Mars. This song makes me ball my eyes out. I quietly sang along to the whole song until the very end came because i wanted to hear Bruno sing.

"I know youre somewhere out there. Somewhere far away..."

This was gonna be hard without them. I had grown so close to them and i loved them all to death. How was i gonna do this?

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