Chapter 47

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Cayla's POV

I got my phone out as soon as Mia was outta sight. I called Lorenzo and Jaleel. Lorenzo and Jaleel are my trainers. They teach me how to fight. I mainly just box and strengthen my body. I called Jaleel. He answered literally as soon as i clicked call.

"Cayla. Girl where have you been?" He asked in his urban accent sounding slightly pissed. I rolled my eyes.

"Boy ive been busy. Pick me up at the usual place?" I asked knowing he was already about to leave.

"Be there in 5," he said and with that hung up. I was so excited. I really needed to punch something. Right on time he pulled up with Lorenzo sitting next to him in his silver mustang. I loved his car. Jaleel and Lorenzo were a secret to everyone that knows me. Except my mom because she knows both of them.

Jaleel is very cute. He's around 6'5" so hes very big and he has giant muscles because of his years of sports and training. Jaleel is black, he has the most gorgeous hazel eyes ive ever seen, and is from Chicago. He moved here when he was 15. He is 17 years old now and is like a big and very protective older brother to me.

Lorenzo was actually born and raised here. His father works with my mom: He is an excellent boxer and is also kinda cute. He stands about 6'3" and has pretty skin with brown eyes and is 16 years young. I personally think hes gorgeous. I hopped in the car as we drove away. Weve been friends for a long time and he was the one that got me into boxing.

"Girl where you been?" Lorenzo asked turning around in his seat to look at me. I groaned. I didnt need them knowing i was dating Harry or they'd think i had gone all soft or something.

"Places. Jaleel please drive faster," i said looking out the window and tapping my foot along to Kanye West which was blaring through the speakers.

"Ok Mrs. Styles," Jaleel said driving faster. I looked at him with my mouth hanging open. Did he just...

"Yes Cayla. We know about your lil boyfriend. You really is gonna sit there and just lie through your teeth?" Lorenzo asked smirking.

"Uhhh..." I said trying to decide what ti say.

"What happened to our little bad a** that punches like a dude? You havent gone and changed on us now have you?" Jaleel asked winking at me in his mirror. I smiled.

"Im still the same girl," i said smiling as we pulled up to our training facility. I had missed this place so much. I had first started training here right after i turned 14. We got out of the car and went inside. I was greeted by the owner of the training facility, Marcus. He hugged me and held out his giant hands so i could punch them.

I punched right, punched left, and repeated the process. He smiled at me and then talked to Jaleel. I went to the locker rooms and changed into a pair of black spandex and a purple sports bra. I put my hair in a sloppy pony tail and walked out to where i warm up. I began stretching and waiting for Lorenzo and Jaleel. 5 minutes later Jaleel came over to me and told me i could start on the punching bags. I never wear actual punching gloves i just wrap my hands and punch, hard.

I sat down on a bench and began wrapping my hands/wrists. I stood up and wiggled my hands around to make sure i didnt wrap them too tight. I smiled in satisfaction and walked over to the punching bags. I began lightly pounding my fists into the them and gradually punched harder and harder. Soon i was sweating a ton. Jaleel snuck up behind me and pulled me into his body.

"Dont go so fast babe. Youll break your hands," he said. I could hear his smirk through his voice. I elbowed him in the stomach and he backed away. I continued punching.

"You. Know. Im. Fine," i said in between punches. I stopped punching.

"Now what?" he asked.

"Help me practice in the ring please," I said drinking the gatorade he had brought me and motioning towards the fighting ring. He nodded and walked off. I put my gatorade down and went into the ring where Jaleel, Lorenzo, and Marcus were waiting for me. Marcus had a punching target on each hand.

I walked over to them and Marcus held out his hands. I went to work. I punched each hand a few times. He moved his hands so i had to kick and knee his hands. Marcus nodded in satisfaction as i coninued punching and kicking. After a little bit of that the boys decided i needed to be done. I protested.

"Good work C. You know i will let you fight in matches if you want to right? I know you have enough skill to do it," Marcus offered.

"Thanks Marcus," I said smiling.

I convinced them to keep practicing with me. I needed to work on my defense skills. I slid my mouth guard in my mouth and Marcus began swinging at a fast pace at me but i deflected and dodged all of them. I only wear a mouth guard when i practice with the guys just in case i get hit. Only time ive ever been hit is twice when i hadnt been paying attention and they didnt stop. It was a good lesson for me and now i pay attention 24/7.

I decided to take a break. I checked my phone. It was almost 7 oclock. OMG! i was supposed to be home almost an hour ago.

"You guys i gotta go. Who wants to drive me home?" i asked. THey all looked at each other.

"I will," Jaleel said grabbing his stuff. We headed out the door and got in his car. We cruised down the highway to my house. We were about 5 minutes away.

"You know i really did miss you?" Jaleel asked. I smiled.

"I missed you too."

Jaleel and i have a weird relationship. I always liked him and he liked me but now that im back and im dating Harry the feeling kinda faded but they are still some what there. I dont know its complicated.

"So tell me about your lil boyfriend," Jaleel said smiling. God...that smile....

"Well hes in One Direction, hes super sweet, hes super cute, and i love him to death," I said smiling. He rolled his eyes.

"I could love you better," He said as we pulled up to my house. I mentally started freaking out. I looked at him cuz i thought he was joking. He was dead serious. He stared at me in a very intense way. He leaned in towards me...


U like chapter? i do so yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here is an update. Love yalllllllllllll <3 please vote and tell me in comments what yall think.........o and by the way my team won our first regionals game but we lost our 2nd game Saturday so ive been pretty emotional. I SAW THIS IS US AND IT WAS BEAUTIFULLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tell me if yall have seen it and if yall liked it :)

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