World Made Of Ink

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World Made Of Ink...

Tucked away from the rays of the sun,

Hidden away from the view of the glittering stars.

It's a world full of wonder,

Built up from battle scars.

In the sight of only those who pay close attention,

It's slipped away in between two of the most simplest of things.

The key is a few memories or lessons,

Built off of anything.

With the wildest dreams in mind,

You could actually get lost there.

Maybe for the better, or possibly for the worst.

It's a place where you really don't need a care.

You control what happens,

In this world only you can find.

It's only made up of,

The thoughts in your mind.

Your the tale spinner of the kingdom,

The twister of fate.

Your the favorite of the queen,

And the person no one can hate.

It's the world you make,

Using the words you say and a pen.

This is why the little scribble on that blank sheet of paper is so important,

It could tell a worlds worth of tales again and again.

It's the world made of ink.

Held on a sheet of paper.

The world made of ink.

Where you go when your all alone.

We've all been there,

To get out even our smallest of fears.

We've all been there,

To get away from the tears.

It's The World Made Of Ink...

                                               -Victoria Marie<3

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