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It was a bleary Monday morning, when Rebecca Johnson's alarm went off. Getting out of bed she ran quickly into the bathroom to have a shower. It was freezing cold outside and she could tell that it was raining again. What I wouldn't do for some sunshine and hot weather, she thought to herself as she washed her hair. She had been working and living in the Mariner's Inn for over a year. It was a small hotel in a village called Portsville, in the north of England. While she was getting dressed she remembered that she had a long day ahead of herself. The girl who usually worked behind the bar had quit the day before, so she had to do all her work as well. Going downstairs she saw her friend and workmate Sandra, who was serving breakfast to the hotel quests. "Rebecca, what are you doing up so early"? "I thought you'd done the late shift last night". "Yes, I did, but Carol quit last night". "Ah!" "That means you have to take over her shifts too". "Aren't you tired of always having to fill in for everyone around here"? "Yes, and I can't wait to find another job" she said tiredly. In that precise moment, while Rebecca and Sandra were talking, Tanya the hotel's owner arrived "What's all this about finding another job" she asked with a horrified note in her voice. Rebecca turned to Tanya and said "I was just telling Sandra that my sister Jane is looking for another job. "Oh"! "I was getting really worried there for a moment". "I don't know what we'd do without you"! After Tanya walked away Rebecca said, "For the amount of money there paying me a week, no wonder she is so worried." Sandra laughed "I know what you mean" . "I better go and earn my tips, see you later". Rebecca went into the bar to set it up, after about an hour, the first customer came in. 

It was James the old farmer, who came into the bar every morning and sat in the same chair and drank his pint of bitter. "How are you this morning Rebecca? "I'm fine" she said smiling. "It's strange to see you behind the bar at this time of day, where's Carol this morning" he asked curiously? "She quit last night!" "Ah"! "She told me that she was fed up, but I didn't think she'd leave that quickly" he said shaking his head. "Tanya doesn't seem to know how to treat her staff very well, does she"? "No, she doesn't, but don't get me started on that subject, otherwise

you'll be here all day". "So you're fed up as well" he asked curiously? "Yes I'm hoping that I'll find another job soon." "What type of job are you looking for" he asked? "I don't know something different, something that pays well." James gave her his newspaper. "Why don't you look in the classified ads for jobs?" "Thanks I will." Looking through the paper, there was the usual job offers; she skimmed through them all, until her eyes fell upon an ad that she had never seen before. It said that they were looking for people to work on board cruise ships in the Mediterranean and in the Caribbean .She wrote down the name and address of the agency that was offering the work. After work she wrote a letter to the agency and sent off her c.v... That afternoon, during her two hour break, she took the bus to a small village not far from Portsville, where her mother Sue lived. Getting off the bus Rebecca met her mum near the gate. "What a nice surprise"! "What brings you here at this time of day?" "I thought you were working?" "Yes I am, but I decided to come and see you during my break." Going into the house she told her mum all about the letter she had just sent off. "I think that is a wonderful idea" said her mum. "When do you think you'll hear from them?" "I hope, I'll have some news by the end of the week. "It's about time you finally decided to do something different with your life" "Your doing all the work in that hotel for nothing!" I know, but at least it helped me to stay near the family after dad died." "I know, but you have to start living your life again!" "Well, let's hope that this will be the new start I've been waiting for!" After spending a good hour chatting with her mum, Rebecca went back to work. It turned out to be a long week .

On Friday afternoon Tanya called Rebecca into the office. "Rebecca there's your mother on the phone." "Thanks", "Hi mum what's up"? "Rebecca, I hope I'm not bothering you, but you received a call from that agency in London and they want to know, if you can go for an interview on Monday morning at 11 o'clock." "I don't think that will be a problem" she said excitedly. "Can I call you back after work?" "Sure," "I'll speak to later." Rebecca put the phone down and Tanya said "I hope everything is alright?" "Yes everything is fine," she replied. "Do you think it would be possible for me, to have Monday off instead of Wednesday?" "Sure" replied Tanya. When Rebecca

finally finished work, she called the agency." "Hello Mrs Anderson, My name is Rebecca Johnson; you spoke to my mum this morning regarding an interview." "Hello, Rebecca". "How are you"? "Fine thanks you". "Good""Would it be alright for you to come to London on Monday Morning"? "Yes, I've already cleared it with my boss; I'll be there at 11 o'clock"! "That's great", replied Mrs Anderson. "I'm really looking forward to meeting you". "Me too", replied Rebecca excitedly. "I'll see you on Monday then". Rebecca then phoned her Mum and told her that everything was arranged." "Oh I'm so pleased for you". "I bet you can't wait"? "Let's hope everything goes well!" Rebecca couldn't get over how slow the rest of the week went; she thought Monday would never arrive. When it finally did, she was so nervous that when she arrived in front of the agency, she nearly lost her nerve to go in. Mrs Anderson was waiting for her and she made her feel at ease immediately. "Hello Rebecca, did you have a good journey down"? "Yes, I quite surprised myself, I didn't get lost once". "Why don't you come and sit down". "Thank you". "I read your c.v and you have a good work record". "Tell me, why do you want to change jobs"? "Well, it's been something I've wanted to do for a long time". "I've been working in the hotel for quite some time now and I feel it's time for a change". "Well I won't lie to you and tell you that it's an easy job". "There are a lot of benefits, like seeing many different places, but when the ship is at sea you work really hard". "I'm not afraid of hard work" said Rebecca smiling. 

"The ship I'm thinking of sending you on is called The Golden Dream". "Oh I've heard of it, it's supposed to be very good". "Yes it is". "Your job will be working as a shop assistant in the gift shops on board". "You will be part of a team of eight people". "There are usually three to four gift shops, so there is quite a large selection of merchandise to sell". "It sounds really interesting" said Rebecca. "I am looking for serious people, because unfortunately there are a lot of young girls who go to work on the ships only to party"! "Well, I can assure you that I'm serious enough". "I can see that" said Mrs Anderson smiling. "Listen Rebecca, I'll let you know in a week's time". "I still need to see another group of people". "Ok"! "Thanks again"! "I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon". "Have a nice trip back up

north". "I will thank you." Rebecca then took the train back toPortsville and went directly to her Mum's. "So tell me, how did you go on"?"Everything went really well, I should know something by the end of the week"...Rebecca's mum was smiling so much, that it seemed as if she had won thelottery. "Mum what are you so happy about"? "Is there something you're nottelling me?" Sue could hardly keep from laughing, "Mrs Anderson has alreadyphoned, you've got the job and she wants you to phone her tomorrow morning."Rebeccaand her mum jumped for joy, they both couldn't believe it. The next morning shegot up early and phoned Mrs Anderson. "Good morning Mrs Anderson". HelloRebecca, What do you thing about the job offer"? "I think it's fantastic"!"Well I didn't need to wait a week." I think you'll be perfect". "Oh, I can'twait". "You'll be starting in a month's time and as I told you the ship you'llbe going on is called "The Golden Dream" and it does the Caribbean. I'll sendyou all the information by post and I'll be speaking to you soon". "Okay" shesaid excitedly. "Bye"! Rebecca was soexcited that she went straight back to the hotel and gave in her notice."Whatcan we do to make you stay" asked Tanya desperatly? "Nothing", replied Rebecca."This is too big of a chance for me to let it go" "Well you'll have to work aweeks' notice" said Tanya angrily. "That's no problem," she replied trying tokeep the smile from her voice.

 At theend of the week Rebecca said goodbye to all her work mates, packed up all herbelongings and went to her mum's house, for the last three weeks. In thoseweeks there was so much to be done, she had to buy new clothes and get herpassport in order. She had to go and say goodbye to all her friends andrelatives. Her contract was for nine months, so it would be awhile before shesaw them again. Finally the time arrived to say goodbye. Rebecca's mum took herto the airport. "Mum, I don't want you to wait with me; you know I don't likesaying goodbye". Sue pulled her into her arms and gave her a big hug. "Becareful and when you arrive phone me." Rebecca promised and with tears in hereyes walked through security and then went to her gate.     

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