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    The next morning Rebecca was up early, she had a shower and got ready and then went to the gangway to wait for him. When she saw him she couldn't take her eyes off of him. "Hi, are you ready"? "Yes" she replied having to clear her throat before answering him.When they left the ship they got a taxi to take them to the old side of town.Sandro showed her around and then they went to a really nice restaurant for lunch. 

"So tell me about yourself, what is a beautiful girl like you doing working on a ship"? "I was working in a hotel and one day I decided that I'd had enough and here I am". "What about you"? "Well, for a seaman like myself there isn't a lot of choices". "You either work on the merchant ships or cruiseships". "I'm really glad I chose cruise ships". 

They talked and talked and before they knew it was time to return to the ship. "Thanks so much for the beautiful day, I've really enjoyed myself". "Me too, we'll have to do it again sometime"."I'd like that" she said happily. "Well, I better get back to work", he grabbed her hand and was about to kiss her when a group of officers walked past. "I don't think this is the right time and place", he said looking at her intently."I know what you mean", she said blushingly. "He quickly gave her a kiss on the lips and then turned and ran up the stairs. She walked back to her cabin as if she was on cloud nine. Opening the door she saw Sadie sitting on her bed. 

"I don't need to ask you how it went. "I can see by your face that you had a great time" "I really enjoyed myself"."Where did he take you"? "We went around the old part of town and then to a restaurant for lunch". "Are you going to see him again"? "I hope so". The girls then got ready for work and went up to the shops, that night they were really busy and before they knew it, it was time to close. "Are you coming down to the crew bar"? "No, I think I'll have an early night". 

"Aren't you meeting Sandro"? "No, but if he comes into the crew bar will you give me a call"? "No problem", "Are you sure you don't want to come just for one drink"? "No thanks" "Okay see you later". Rebecca went down to her cabin secretly hoping that Sadie would call, but the phone remained silent. At seven o'clock in the morning the alarm sounded. Rebecca leaned over and turned it off. Jumping out of bed she saw Sadie hidden underneath her pillow. "Hey sleepy head get up". "Oh leave me alone" she said grumpily as she sat up. "Hada rough night eh"? "Don't remind me" she said groaning as she got out of bed."What time did you get in"? "At about five o'clock". "Why so late"? "It was one of the casino girls birthday, so we partied until late". "Who was there"? "Oh,the usual crowd". "You did the right thing by going to bed early".

 "I was secretly hoping that you would have phoned me". "Well you didn't miss much"said Sadie as she walked into the bathroom. Rebecca then got ready and the two girls walked up to the shop. As she was going into the shop Karen stopped her. "Hey, Rebecca I was looking for youlast night". "Why didn't you come up to the disco everybody was up there"? "I didn't feel like it" said Rebecca. "Well you missed a really good night;Tommaso and Sandro were there with another group of officers". "I spent about an hour with them in the disco and then I went down to the crew bar to look for you, but Sadie told me that you had decided to have an early night". "I was really tired, so I decided to go to bed early". "Well, Sandro asked me where you were and I told him that I thought you had gone to the crew bar"."Well nowI'm regretting that I didn't go" said Rebecca truthfully. "Don't worry, I bet you'll see him around sometime today". "Oh I hope so" she said as she left  Karen at the elevator and walked into the shop. Jenny put Rebecca in Perfume for the day, the shop was really busy and she didn't have two minutes to herself until about 5.00 o'clock. Mark came into the shop. "Wow it's been really busy hasn't it"? "Do you know that this is the first real breather I've  had all afternoon" said Rebecca. "Where were you last night" asked Mark"? "I went to bed early". "What a shame" he said "There was someone who was asking after you". "Oh really" she said. "Who was that"? "Sandro, he came up to me and asked me where you were".

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