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    The next couple of weeks went by really fast and before they knew it; it was the week before the wedding. They were really busy getting everything arranged and meeting all there friends and relations at the airport. Rebecca was really pleased to see Hilda. Rebecca, Sadie and Hilda had so much to get caught up on that they sat talking nearly all night long. Jenny and Debbie and the other shoppies then arrived and Rebecca felt like her ship family was finally back together again.There was only one small link missing, but she was trying her best to forget all about him. Two nights before the wedding they had organised a party only for the bride and her friends. 

Being the maid of honour it was Rebecca's job to make sure that everything was organised and to be sure that Sadie was okay.They had a great time, they danced and sang and drank and ate lots and lots. By the time they had finished it was three in the morning. When they arrived at home Paolo was waiting for them, seeing that he had something important to tell Sadie Rebecca excused herself and went to bed. "What's wrong"? asked Sadie worriedly. "Nothing! said Paolo. "I just wanted to make sure that you'd had a great time and that you both got home safely". "Are you sure that's all you wanted to tell me", asked Sadie curiously, you look as if your the cat that ate the cream. Paolo smiled and took Sadie gently to bed, but before she could ask him anything else he started to kiss her and she forgot all about it.The next day was the day they went to get their dresses. Both girls were so excited tha twhen they returned home they had to sneek them in so that Paolo wouldn't see them. That night as they were all sat in the garden having a last drink before going to bed Paolo stood up and said "I want to tell you something  before you go to bed Rebecca". "I want to thank you for everything you've done for Sadie".Rebecca could feel tears welling up in her eyes and she then went over to the two of them and gave them a big hug and kiss. "It should be me thanking you,"replied Rebecca. You have been my safe haven after everything that has happened and I don't know what I would have done if you two hadn't been there for me". Both Paolo and Sadie had tears in their eyes."Enough tears for tonight", said Rebecca wiping them away. 

"I think it's time for bed". "I agree with you", said Sadie. "I'll be up in a minute". "Okay",said Rebecca giving the two of them some privacy. With it being the night before the wedding Sadie and Rebecca were sleeping in the same room. Paolo's dad had put another single bed in the room. The girls sat up talking for ages and then Rebecca finally said "It's going to be a big day tomorrow". "I think we should try and get some sleep". Sadie was so excited that it took her ages to finally fall asleep. Rebecca was also kept wide awake thinking about what itwould have been like if it had been her wedding to Sandro. She finally fell asleep with tears streaming down her face. The following morning when she woke up, there was a feeling of excitement in the air. "Sadie are you awake yet"?"Yes, I've been awake for hours". "I don't think I slept all night". "I know what you mean". "I hardly slept at all too"! "Well, I think we better get up!" "The wedding starts at 2.oo in the afternoon, so we haven't really got a lot of time to get ready". Both girls then jumped out of bed and went downstairs. Paolo had gone to stay at his aunt's house, so there wouldn't be any risk of seeing each other before the wedding. 

The hairdresser arrived she first did Sadie's hair and make up and then she did Rebecca's. It was then time for Sadie to get dressed. Rebecca then helped her with her wedding dress. The lady from the dress shop also arrived to help them with the finishing touches. When Sadie was finally dressed Rebecca couldn't get over how beautiful she looked. Wiping awayher tears she said "You look absolutely fantastic!" Sadie turned towards the mirror with tears of happiness shining in her eyes. "Don't you dare start crying?" I'm trying not to", said Sadie, as she wiped a tear away. "I better go and get myself ready said Rebecca as she went into the other room. The hairdresser came in to help her with her hair and makeup and then she put her dress on. When she had finished she turned toward the mirror and couldn't believe how good she looked.Sadie walked into Rebecca's room, "Oh"! "Rebecca you look so beautiful, that dress is made for you." Rebecca turned towards the mirror with a big smile onher face. The two girls then hugged each other and made their way down the stairs. Paolo's uncle was waiting to drive them to the church. "Oh", I'm so nervous!" moaned Sadie. "Everything will go great, just wait and see". "Thanks again for everything", said Sadie. "Oh, will you stop"! "You're going to make me cry again"!" The wedding was been held in a beautiful church in Porto Venere.Which was in Liguria about 20 minutes from Lucca? It was a beautiful day and the drive to the church went really quickly. When they arrived Rebecca couldn't get over how beautiful the place was. The church was on a hill over looking the sea. It was the most romantic place Rebecca had ever seen. It took her breath away.

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