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The morning passed quite slowly, all the staff were busy helping the passengers and trying to keep everyone calm. Jenny came into the lounge looking for Rebecca. "Listen when the Golden Moon arrives, most of the staff will have to get off". "I'll need some help and with you being the assistant manager, I thought you might want to stay on with me"."Oh yes, I'm really happy that I can stay on board and help you." "I was worried that I'd have to get off." "You won't be able to stay in your cabin, but I don't think that will be a problem". "I know that you have moved into Sandro's. "That's right" said Rebecca. "Where are they going to take the ship too"? "I think it will be L.A. but I'm not sure". "When I know more I'll let you know". "Okay" said Rebecca, "See you later". "What's going on" asked Sadie? "Jenny has just asked me if I want to stay on board and help her". "Oh, you are lucky. At least you can stay with Sandro". "I'm not going to go home". "I'm going to get a hotel near the ship at least that way I can see Paolo every now and then". At about six o' clock the Golden Moon arrived. The passengers were really happy to be able to get off and some of them came over and thanked Rebecca for all her help. Sadie had to get off with them and Rebecca was really upset to see her go. "I'll see you in L.A", said Sadie hugging her before leaving the lounge with Paolo. The ship seemed really empty when all the passengers and crew had left. There was only a skeleton crew on board and Rebecca went to find Jenny. 

The girls went down to the shop to see if there had been any damage done there, but everything seemed to be in order. The biggest problem was that most of the clothes smelt of smoke and the whole shop needed cleaning up. "When we arrive in L.A., Alice from head office will be coming on board". "We need to take an inventory of all the things damaged and then we need to box everything up and put it in the stock rooms". "There will be a lot of work to do". "Is there no way we can have someone to help us"? "I was thinking the same thing" said Jenny, "but the problem is that all the cabins need to be aired and no-one can sleep in them". "Well I've got an idea". "I know that Sadie is going to stay in a hotel in L.A., so she can be near Paolo". "She doesn't sleep in our cabin, so there will be no problem about cabins". "That's a good idea". 

"I should have thought about that before". "I don't think there will be any problem getting permission from the captain about having another member of staff on board". "I'll go up to the bridge and fax the office immediately". Jenny left the shop; Rebecca was looking around to see how bad the situation was when she heard the shop door open. "That was quick" she said turning towards the door. "Hi" said Sandro looking absolutely tired out. "I saw Jenny up on the bridge and she told me you were here". "Rebecca walked over to Sandro and put her arms around him. "I bet you're tired, aren't you"? "Oh just a bit, but I feel a lot better now that I've seen you". They held each other for a long time and then started kissing. "I thought this nightmare would never end" said Rebecca shakily.

 She had kept everything inside her and now that Sandro was safe by her side she could finally let herself go. "Hey," said Sandro kissing away her tears. "It's all over now and we're all safe and sound". "I know" said Rebecca sobbing. "It's just that I was so worried about you being in the middle of it all". "I'm fine" said Sandro shakily. "I was really worried too, but not only about the ship."I was also worried about you, if the situation had gotten any worse I would have sent someone up to the lounge to get you". "I wasn't going to let you get off the ship without me". "I saw Jenny earlier on and I asked her how many of you would be saying on." "She told me only two of you , so I asked her if it would be possible to keep you on and she told me that she had already spoken to you about it and that you had agreed to stay on the ship. "The conditions on the ship won't be good, but at least we'll be together". At that moment they heard the door open and Jenny came into the shop. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything". "No I'm just going". "I'll see you up in the cabin later" he said giving her a quick kiss as he left the shop. "You look as if you've been crying" said Jenny coming over and putting her arms around her. "I've been bottling it all up and when I saw Sandro it just came all bubbling out".

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