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    The next morning the girls had breakfast and then they went up to the shops. They were in ST. Thomas  and this was the morning when all the new stock came on the ship. While she was helping Debbie, one of the shop assistants to load a trolley full of stock she heard a voice behind her, "How's it going"? "I see they've put you to work right away". 

Rebecca turned and saw that it was Sandro, the guy who had helped her bring her luggage on board. "It's going great or should I say at least I think it is, she said wincing, from the pain in her back. Sandro laughed seeing her pained expression and said "just think yourself lucky at least you won'thave to go to the gym this week, not that I think you need to". 

Rebecca could feel herself going red in the face and before she could think of anything elseto say he turned and continued on his way down the corridor. "Do you know him"asked Debbie? "I met him yesterday, while I was coming on board the ship" she explained. "He helped me with my luggage". "Oh lucky you" said Debbie. "He is one of the best looking guys on the ship". "Rebecca could feel herself going red in the face, and turned her back so that Debbie wouldn't notice how red she was. It must have been about one o'clock when they finished working, the ship was in port until three o'clock so Rebecca, Sadie, Debbie and Mark all went tohave a look around the shops on the port, when they returned to the ship it was time to get ready for work.

 Going up to the shop Jenny said "Rebecca you haveto go for a safety meeting". "Okay where do I have to go"? "You need to go downto the crew bar". "Okay, see you later" she said, and as she was leaving the shop she ran into Karen and they both went down to the crew bar together. When they arrived, they saw that there must have been about fifteen new crew members, who had started the same day as them. The safety officer walked into the bar and to her surprise it was Sandro. He explained all the safety regulations and then took everyone to show them where there safety stations were, the last person he took around was Rebecca.

"What do you think of the ship so far" he asked? "I like it, it's still early to say, but I hope everything will go well". "Have you been on this ship long" she asked him? "No,I've been on this ship a week, but this isn't my first contract". "I've been working for this company for about five years" he explained, "ship life is fun,but it takes a while to get used to it. "Did you get off today" he asked? "Yes,only for half an hour". "What did you think of it"? "I thought it was beautiful". "I didn't have alot of time to look around, but I suppose there will be plenty of time for that". "That's for sure" he said smiling. "Well I better get back to work"."Have fun"! He said as he walked away. Rebecca went back to the shop and it was really busy, so she didn't have five minutes to herself. At six o'clock Jenny said "You need to go down to your cabin and get changed for formal night". 

 Rebecca ran down got changed and then ran back up to the shop. "Wow! "What a lovely dress you're wearing". "We will have to go to the show tonight after work" said Sadie. "I'd love that" she replied.While the cocktail party was on, she could see the lounge from the shop, where they held the party .The captain was introducing all his staff, Rebecca saw Sandro going onto the stage. He looked really good; he was wearing his elegant white uniform. She couldn't take her eyes off of him. "What are you looking at"? asked Sadie "You look like you've seen a ghost". 

"Oh nothing really, I was just surprised to see everyone looking so elegant", she lied". She didn't want to tell anyone that she liked Sandro.She had been on the ship for such a short time that everyone would think that she was crazy. When they had finished work Rebecca, Sadie and the other shop assistants went down to the crew bar for a drink and then they went upstairs to see the show. It was great. After the showthey all went to the disco.

 Rebecca and Sadie went to talk to the girls who worked in the beauty salon. Rebecca was talking to Karen when she saw Sandro enter the disco with another officer .They went to the bar to get a drink andthen she saw them go over to a group of female passengers. Karen saw where shewas looking and said "I've heard the officers like to mix with the passengers"."Yes, I've heard that too" she said turning away quickly, when she saw Sandro glancing their way. "What a pity, I think those two are really good-looking"said Karen indicating Sandro and the other officer. "I do too" she replied glancing one more time at the two of them as she left the disco. 

The next morning the ship was in Saint Martin. Rebecca, Sadie, Debbie and Mark all got off the ship and got a taxi to Waikiki beach, which was on the French side of the island. It was a beautiful beach. Rebecca and Sadie were in and out of the water all morning while Debbie and Mark spent nearly all the time sunbathing on the beach. At about 1:00 in the afternoon they all went to the restaurant to have some lunch. The food was absolutely delicious, after lunch Sadie andDebbie went back to the beach to sunbath, while Rebecca and Mark went for awalk.

 "What do you think of St. Martin"? He asked. "It's gorgeous "she replied."I've never seen anywhere so beautiful". "This isn't your first contract isit"? "No" he replied, this is my third contract "Working on ships is hard, but all this makes up for it" he said indicating the scenery in front of them and Rebecca couldn't help but agree. "Did you have a good time last night in the crew bar"? "I saw you were pretty busy talking to the tall blonde girl". "What is her name"? "Her name is Tammy and she is one of the dancers". "Are you only friends or is there something more to it"? "I'd like us to be more than just friends, but at the moment that's all she's willing to be". 

"I still have six months on here so anything could happen". "Listen tomorrow we are in Barbados and we're going to rent some jeeps, do you want to come with us"? "Yes I'd love to". "What is Barbados like"? "It is really beautiful, if you like this" hesaid indicating the beach in front of them "you'll love it there". "Oh I can't wait" she exclaimed as they walked back to the others. 

They stayed for another hour and then went back to the ship. About an hour after the ship left port the shops opened. She was so busy working in the perfume shop that when Sandro walked in she didn't even notice him. "Hi Rebecca" he said. "Oh hi" she said looking flustered when she saw him leaning against the perfume counter. "Can you help me"? "I'm looking for a new aftershave and I was wondering if you could recommend something"? "Sure". "What do you normally use"? I usually use Eternity for men, but I wantsomething different". "Why don't you try this, it's got a really nice fragrance" she said as she handed him the bottle. "No, I don't really like it"."What do you think"? He said putting some on his arm for her to smell. She was so flustered at having him near her, that she couldn't tell if it suited him or not. "No! Your right." she said as she moved away from him. "What is your favourite men's fragrance" he asked her? "I really like Cool Water for men"."Can I try it. "Sure" she replied and she put a drop of the fragrance on his pulse.Sandro smelt the aftershave and then he let Tommaso his friend try it and they both agreed that it really smelt good... "You have good taste". "Can you put me a bottle aside and I'll come and pick it up later"? "Sure" she replied. "I'll put it over here". "Okay" said Sandro "I'll see you later" and with that he left the shop. Rebecca couldn't believe her luck.     

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