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That evening there was a crew party at the back of the ship. When the shops closed everyone went and got changed. Sadie and Rebecca went to the beauty salon girls cabins where they were having a little get together, before they went up to the party. Rebecca went into Karen's cabin "Are you ready"? "Yes". "Listen, you're not going to believe what happened today" said Karen, "Do you remember that really good looking officer, who was in the disco with the safety officer"? "You mean Tomasso"? "Yes, well he came into the salon for a haircut and Tina my manager booked him in with me for tomorrow afternoon". "Aren't you off tomorrow"? "We're in Barbados and I thought you were coming with us around the island"? "I wanted to" said Karen, "but Tina asked me to change with Tony because his parents are on board and he wants to get off the ship with them". 

"Oh" said Rebecca, "what a shame, we will have to rent a jeep another time". "I don't really mind, at least I get to see Tommaso". "I hope you aren't too nervous and make a mess of his hair" laughed Rebecca. "I know what you mean" replied Karen. Rebecca and Karen made their way up to the party; there were quite a lot of people already there. The girls went and joined the rest of the group. There was one of the entertainment staff who was being the disc jockey for the evening and the music was really good. Rebecca saw Sadie and went to talk with her and Mark and then they all decided to go and dance. She couldn't remember the last time she had such fun. 

It must have been about 2.00 o'clock when she left the party to go to her cabin. As she was leaving she heard a voice behind her say. "I've only just arrived and you're already leaving". She turned around surprised to see Sandro behind her. "I've been here since 10 o' clock." "You missed a really good party". "Unfortunately some of us have to work" he said. "OH! And by the way, thanks for leaving me the aftershave." "I came into the shop to pick it up at dinner time, but you weren't there, so the other shop assistant Sonia gave it to me". "Do you like it?" "Yes I do "he replied, "It's got a nice fragrance". "Don't you agree?" he said moving closer to her. "Yes" she said turning away, so that he couldn't see that she was blushing. "I was going to ask you, if you wanted to come and have a drink with me by the pool, but it's obvious that you're already leaving" he said watching her intently. "I'd love to come with you for a drink" she said smiling "it's just that I need to get up early in the morning". "Aren't you off tomorrow"? "Yes, but a group of us are going to rent some jeeps and have a look around the island". "Ah, it's your first time in Barbados, I forgot" he said smiling. 

"I bet you'll love it". "It's a pity I have to work otherwise I'd come with you". "That would have been great". "Is there no way you can get the day off"? "No, I have a lot of work to do tomorrow, but maybe we can do it another time". "I'd love too" she said. "Well, I hope you have a nice day tomorrow". "Thanks again" she replied as she left to go down to her cabin. The next morning she got up early. When she walked off the ship she couldn't believe how beautiful Barbados was. She was in a jeep with Mark, Sadie, Sonia and Debbie. The rest of the shop staff were in the other jeep. The first part of the day they visited some the tourist sites and then they decided to go to a hotel called Sandy Bay. They spent the rest of the day on the beach.

 At 6: 00 they all went back to the ship to get changed before going out for a meal. "What a wonderful day she said as they were getting ready for work". "Well it's not over yet" said Sadie. "What do you think about going up to the disco when we are finished"? "I'd love too she replied, but to be quite honest with you I think I'd rather have an early night". "Well then I've got a better idea." "Why don't we get a film off of Mark and we can sit and watch it in are cabin"? "Now that sounds like a good idea" she replied. The shops were only open for two hours and before she knew it they'd finished. "That went quickly" she said to Sadie and Debbie as they were closing the shop. "Are you guys coming to the disco" asked Debbie? "No" they replied."Well I'm going to the disco. "I've arranged to meet Michael my boyfriend after he finishes the midnight buffet". While Sadie went with Mark to get a video, Rebecca went up on deck to get some fresh air. While she was sitting on deck she saw Sandro, he was walking on deck with another two officers.

 When he saw her he said something to the other officers and then made his way over to where she was sitting. "Hi". "What are you doing up here, all on your own"? "I thought you'd be downstairs in the crew bar with all the other shoppies"? "No" said Rebecca. "I didn't feel like it tonight". "I've had a nice long day and I thought I'd come and get some fresh air before going to bed". "Did you enjoy your day around the island"? "Yes, it was fantastic". "I've never seen such beautiful islands as these". "You've never been to Italy then, have you"? "No" she replied. "I've only been to a few places in Europe". "I've heard that Italy is a beautiful place, where about are you from" she asked curiously? "I'm from the north of Italy, a place called La Spezia, which is not too far from Genoa". "They call it the garden of Italy". "It sounds beautiful" said Rebecca. "Do you miss it"? "Yes" said Sandro. "I miss my family, but I'm used to it". "Are you married asked Rebecca"? "No" said Sandro. "I'm not married or engaged." "What about you"? "I'm single said Rebecca. 

"I don't think I would have left home if I was married or engaged to someone". "Well you better watch out because the guys on the ship are like piranhas". "I'll be careful" she replied laughingly. "Would you like a drink" he offered? "No" she replied. "I've got a date with my cabin mate to watch a movie". She is going to think that I've gotten lost". "Well have a nice night" said Sandro. "I will" she replied. "Oh, Rebecca" he said stopping her before she walked out the door, "What are you doing tomorrow"? "Are you getting off in Martinique"? "No, I don't think so". "Why"? "Well, I'm off tomorrow morning and I was wondering if you would like to come with me to Martinique"? "That would be great" she said excitedly. "What time should I meet you and where"? "Meet me at the gang way at 9.00 o'clock"."Okay" she said "I'll see you tomorrow morning" and with that she left the deck and went back to her cabin feeling like she was on cloud nine. "Where have you been" asked Sadie? "Oh you'll never guess who I bumped into on Lido deck"? "Who asked Sadie curiously"? Rebecca then went on to tell Sadie all about her encounter with Sandro and about his offer to take her around Martinique. "Oh, you are a lucky girl said Sadie. "He's a really nice guy and has only been on the ship for about a week." "Where is he taking you"? "I don't know he's meeting me at about 9.00 tomorrow morning". "Do you think I need to take my swimsuit"? "Yes I think you should". "What is Martinique like"? "I think you'll like it" said Sadie, and then she went on to tell her all about it. 

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