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After about a month the ship was nearly ready. It was inspected by the United States coast guard on the Monday and then they weren't sailing until the following Monday, so the captain decided to thank the staff and gave them all six days off. Sandro came running into the cabin. 

"Can you get some time off"? "Yes, I think so". "Why"? "Because the captain has decided to give all of us six days off before we sail on Monday". "Oh that's fantastic!" "I'll just call Jenny and ask her"? "Go and enjoy yourselves you deserve It." said Jenny. What did she say"? He asked impatiently. "She said that we should go and enjoy ourselves". "Then what are we waiting for!" "Let's go!" "Where are we going"? "It's a surprise"! It didn't take her long to get everything arranged and they left the ship together. Rebecca was so excited. "Please, Please tell me where we are going"? "I'm not telling you anything". "You're going to have to wait and see"! They got a taxi to take them to the airport they went to the check in desk. "Ok, now you can tell me where we're going"? "What would you say if I told you that we are going to Saint Martin"? "Oh, I'm so excited!" she said jumping into his arms."Tell me more". "No, you're going to have to be patient". The flight to Saint Martin took a couple of hours and when they arrived it was lunch time. 

They left the airport and took a taxi to their destination. Before arriving Sandro closed her eyes. The taxi driver stopped the car and they both got out. "Ok, now you can open them". She couldn't believe it he had taken her to the hotel on the secluded beach. "I'm so happy you've bought me to my little piece of paradise". "What is your little piece of paradise?" "It's what I've named this place". They walked into the colonial style hotel which had white wicker furniture on the veranda which ran the length of the hotel. Inside was absolutely fantastic; they were taken to their room. When he opened the door Rebecca let out a little gasp of delight. There was a big brass bed in the centre of the room with a white canopy all around the bed. There was a door going out of the room onto the balcony and from the balcony you could see the sea. "Do you like it"? She couldn't answer her throat was all clogged up with emotion. "Hey"! "Are you okay"? "I'm more than okay". "I've never been in such an enchanting place as this place". "That day when we were on the beach, I thought this place was beautiful, but I never imagined it to be like this". Sandro was so happy; he knew he had made the right decision in bringing her here. "Are you hungry"? "Yes, I'm starving". 

They both got dressed and went down to the restaurant which was on the veranda in front of the hotel. Rebecca had changed into a beautiful white sundress and Sandro was dressed in white linen trousers and a white linen shirt. "You look like Ret Butler" said Rebecca laughing and you my dear remind me of Vivian Leigh". "This place is so magical; I can imagine myself being in the movie". "Do you remember what happened when we ordered the lobster"? "Yes, I do, but this time there will be no penny pinching, order whatever you want". They both ordered fresh fish with a fresh fruit salad and a tropical fruit punch. After lunch they went up to the room to change into their bathing suits, but they didn't get much further than the bed. "If we go on like this, we won't be seeing much of the island". "I know said Rebecca, but I enjoying myself much more this way".

That night they got a taxi into town and went for a drink in a bar, it was a beautiful night. They sat talking for ages and when the band started playing Sandro asked Rebecca to dance, the music was slow and romantic. He whispered in her ear, "I could stay like this for the rest of my life". "I'd love to stay in this romantic, beautiful place, with the girl of my dreams in my arms". Rebecca pulled him closer to her, "I love you Sandro". "I love you too". "Why don't we head back to the hotel"? "Okay let's go". When they arrived at the hotel, he picked her up in his arms. "What are you doing"? She said laughing. "Well, normally the bride groom does this on their honeymoon". "Yes, but we're not on our honeymoon". Well, for me this is like our honeymoon, the only thing missing is the ring on your finger. The next thing she knew he was pulling a small velvet box out of his pocket. Rebecca couldn't believe her eyes. He grabbed hold of Rebecca's hand and got on one knee. "I know that we haven't been together that long, but this ring is a token of my love for you and it is a promise that when we get ourselves settled, I'll marry you in a second, if you'll have me". 

Tears of joy were streaming down her face. The ring was a beautiful diamond solitaire set in gold. Rebecca jumped into his arms, "If we could, I'd marry you right now". "I love you; you are my life and my sole". Both of them were so overwhelmed with emotion that it was quite awhile before they found the strength to talk. They decided that when they'd done another couple of contracts they'd come off the ships and make a life together on land. "What would you like to do" he asked as he pulled her closer to him. "Do you know what my dream is"? "No tell me"? "It's to open a little hotel in a beautiful place like this" she said dreamily. "To live happy ever after in my little piece of paradise" Sandro laughed. "Well then we'll have to work on it and see if dreams really come true". The next day they hired horses and went riding together along the beach. Saint Martin was absolutely beautiful, the sun was beating down on the two of them, they had ordered a picnic lunch from the hotel and with a big blanket the owner of the hotel had given them, they stopped among the sand dunes in the shade of an old tree and ate there lunch. 

The hotel had packed among the food a bottle of champagne. "Did you ask them for the champagne"? "No, but when we were having breakfast this morning, Ida the owner of the hotel saw the ring on your finger and asked me if there was something to celebrate". "I told her our news, so she surprised us with this bottle of champagne, compliments of the hotel". They spent a wonderful day and the rest of the week went by quickly and before they knew it, it was time to leave. Rebecca was very sorry to leave this magical place. 

Before leaving she went to say goodbye to Ida and Harold the owners of the hotel. "Please come back and see us soon". "We've really enjoyed having you here". "You see, we aren't young anymore and seeing a young couple like you so in love has brought a breath of fresh air into our hearts". Rebecca was very touched by the words of the elderly lady, she hugged her and with tears in her eyes said goodbye. "You really liked them didn't you"? "Yes and I hope we'll be like them when we're their age." "You can bet your money on it" he said as he led her to the taxi. When they arrived back at the ship, he had to go immediately to work. Rebecca went to find Jenny to tell her that they were back. "Did you have a good time"? "Oh, it was fantastic and you"? "Michael and I went to Sanfrancisco for five days". "It was great". "Has Sadie come back yet"? "Yes, they arrived a couple of hours ago, but Sadie wasn't feeling too well". "Where is she"? "She's in her cabin with Paolo". 

Rebecca ran up to Sadie's cabin and knocked on the door. "Hi"! Said Paolo. "When did you get back"? "About half an hour ago". "Jenny just told me that Sadie's not very well". "What's wrong"? "We think it's a bit of the stomach flu". "She's had an upset stomach and been dizzy for a couple of days". Rebecca walked into the room and sat beside Sadie on the bed. "Hi there red, how are you doing"? "I've felt better". Rebecca noticed that she didn't look very well at all. "Have you called the doctor"? "Yes, he wants me to go for a check up at the hospital"."When do you have to go"? "He's got me an appointment for this afternoon at 3.oo". "Do you want me to come with you"? "I was hoping you'd ask. "Listen, I have to go back to work" said Paolo," if you need me call me" and after giving Sadie a kiss he left the cabin. "Enough about me, did you have a nice time"? "It was fantastic said Rebecca". "It was like living a dream". "Where did you go"? "We went to Saint Martin" replied Rebecca. She then told Sadie all about their trip and she showed her, her ring. "Oh my God it's absolutely beautiful". "What did you say when he gave it to you". "What do you think I said"? Asked Rebecca laughing. "Oh I'm so pleased for you both". "Now you'll stop worrying about Diane". "Oh, I've already forgotten about her". "Diane who"? "What did you guys do"? "Oh, we went to Hawaii". "No! "Yes" "It is the most fantastic place on earth". "The only thing is five days isn't long enough, but it was fantastic". "We've decided that when we've finished on ships, we are going to go back there for a month". "They spent about two hours talking about their trip and then Rebecca said "Listen, I'll just go and tell Sandro that I'm coming with you and then I'll be right back". 

Rebecca went to their cabin and Sandro wasn't there so she went to his office. "When she walked in he wasn't alone, he was talking to Diane". "Hi, Diane" said Rebecca walking past her. "Sandro, can I have a word with you in the corridor please". "Sure" he said walking out of the office with her. "What's she doing here?" asked Rebecca feeling her blood start to boil. "Wow, calm down". "She bought me a cup of coffee, she wanted to talk to me about something, but I'll tell you all about that later". "I wanted to let you know that I'm going to the hospital with Sadie." "Why"? "What's wrong"? "She's not been feeling very well for a couple of days". "I hope it's nothing serious". "I'll be back at about five o'clock". "Okay" said Sandro pulling her towards him. "I'll see you soon" and he then gave her a long passionate kiss. "Whew" said Rebecca."That was nice". "We'll have to finish where we left off". "That's a promise" she said as she walked off. Sadie was waiting for her at the gang way.

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