Infirmary and A Kiss (1)

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"Start explaining" Haruhi demanded after she got her father to go somewhere "Did he make a move on you?" She asked, you were laying on the bed as she sat next to you trying to get info "No" You sated "Did he flirt with you?" "No" You said again "This doesn't make sense... Nothing adds up" She said "Haruhi drop it" You smiled casually "Wow, you're actually happy for once. How are you so energetic?" She asked as you propped yourself up with your elbows and looked at her "What?! I'm always happy!" You glared at her as she gave you the 'Really?' face "Okay, Okay maybe not all that time but-" Before you could continue attempting to prove her wrong there was a knock on the door "Are you expecting anyone?" You asked Haruhi "No you?" She asked back as you shook your head no. You both got up and went to the door and opened it "Mori-Senpai?" Haruhi asked, but he didn't answer he just picked you both up and slung you both over his shoulders "H-Hey! P-Put us d-down!" You stuttered getting red from his sudden actions as you slammed your fists on his back but it seemed like nothing, you realized you were the backwards one Haruhi could see the path ahead as you could see the after-math of the path ahead. You saw Honey run in and leave a note as Mori and Honey started walking "Mori-Senpai! Release us!" Haruhi screamed as they threw you two into a limo and left you two with the driver as the limo started moving "What the hell just happened?!" You screamed, when the limo came to a sharp stop. Mori opened the door and picked you both up the same way again "Mori-Senpai!" You screamed as Honey was right behind Mori and in your sight "Aw Y/n-Chan what's wrong?" He asked "Hm... Well let's see I was just kidnapped.. Um that's all" You said containing your anger when you realized you were in the host club, once Mori set you and Haruhi down nicely on the couch you jumped up and ran for the door. But you slipped on a banana peel and it sent you flying into a coffee table that snapped into two beneath you. You winced in pain as tear stung your eyes "Oh wow look at that, it seems you broke that expensive coffee table" A harsh husky voice said as you opened your eyes to see Hikaru saying so. 

"Y/n! Are you okay?!" You heard Kaoru scream, as he was in front of you lending out a hand but you pushed his hand away and got up but quickly fell. "Shit" You murmured beneath your breath as Kaoru helped you up anyways "Y/n your hurt" He whispered seeing you pant leg soaked with blood and glass pieces sticking out "I-It's nothing" You said with tears in your eyes "But Y/n-" He was stopped by you "I said it's nothing.. I'm fine" You said once again "Hikaru is right, you did break it" Kyoya spoke up as you both adverted your gaze to Kyoya who pushed up his glasses, clearing your glare "You owe us the money now" He said with another pause "But I also agree with the younger twin you are hurt but since you owe us, you'd also be working as a host since you already have some aspects of a boy and the girls think you are one as well. You'll start as soon as you leg heals, until then Kaoru take Ms. L/n to the infirmary. As for you Hikaru I must talk to you" He said glaring at Hikaru as you limped to the door "I'll go alone" You said then left. Soon after Kaoru called to you,  but you kept limping down the hallway "Y/n" He finally caught up to you "Y/n you're leaving a blood trail, please" Kaoru said with a hint of sadness "Please what?" You asked as he picked you up bridal style. Your face turned a crimson red and you wrapped your arm around his neck while keeping your head close to his neck while your other hand rested on his chest "Koaru" You whispered as he kept walking to the infirmary. You both stayed silent until he reached the infirmary "Nurse, Y/n has hurt herself" Kaoru called to one of the nurses as he set you onto one of the beds. She peeked in and closed the curtain the surrounded the bed "I need you to wear these so I can see how bad it is, I'll leave so you may change" She said and handed you some f/c basket ball shorts. You nodded as she bowed and left, you stripped yourself of your pant and winced at every movement.

"Done Ms."  You said sitting on the bed as she walked through the curtains and looked at your leg "May I ask what happened?" "I slipped on a peel" You simply stated "And got glass in you?" "I also broke a table" She examined your leg as she demanded Kaoru to give her the tweezers and he did so as you yelped and she pulled out glass "Ah fuck!" You screamed and dug your nails into the bed, tears stung your eyes and drizzled down your cheek "Y/n you alright?!" Kaoru came in and saw you crying so he grabbed your and held it as you looked at him. With his free hand he wiped your tears away, the nurse continued to pick the glass out of your leg, you jumped and squeezed his hand, your rested your head on his shoulder and cried. Your tears staining his uniform. 

She picked the rest of the glass out of your leg and bandaged it up "Okay Y/n try not to walk on it as much" She gave you some pain killers to ease your pain "Alright" When you went to get off Kaoru instantly picked you up before you could get down and he carried you out after thanking her "Kaoru you don't have to carry me" You said and blushed turning your gaze "Of course I do Y/n, you're hurt and you heard her, try not to walk on it, so I'll help you" He said as opened the Host Club's room. You looked at them as their mouthes dropped to the floor, they all practically looked at you both like you both just murdered someone "I see you both have been getting along very well" Kyoya stated pushing up his glasses while smirking "But anyways thats not why I called everyone here for a Host meeting on a Friday" He said with a pause as "You see we're going back to the private beach, and we'll be actually taking a break" He said as everyone cheered except you. You know Haruhi would force you to wear a bathing suit, you don't really mind but it was the fact of showing your scars, you didn't have fresh cuts but very visible scars. You slightly whimper, Kaoru leaned close to you "What's wrong?" You blushed a dark crimson color as you stuttered out something "N-Nothing" You were away from your thoughts and wished to go home "I-Is this meeting over?" You asked as Kyoya nodded "Basically" He said as you watched everyone clear out. 

You were about the last one in the room, you realized you lost your phone and you searched for it. "Hey" A familiar voice said as you turned around to the orange haired, hazel eyed twin. Noticing but his parted hair it was Kaoru. "Looking for this?" He asked holding up your phone "Yeah where'd you find it?" You asked, limping towards him "On the floor when you left the club room" Kaoru responded "Oh thanks" You said playing with your hair. You reached for your phone but he quickly moved it above him "Kaoru?" You asked as you hopped a little "Tsk Tsk Y/n/n ((your nick name)) now now I need my treat" Kaoru teased as you pouted "What do you want?" You crossed your arms as he leaned down and whispered in your ear "A reward" And with that he blew softly in your ear as you shivered "Oh? What for?" You asked "Carrying you to the infirmary and helping you study" "I didn't ask you too you insisted, plus I was helping you-" You argued but before you could finish Kaoru leaned down and lifted your chin, to look at him then a pair of soft lips were molded to yours perfect, your eyes widened only Kaoru kissing you eventually after processing you kissed back "Y/n, Kaoru me and Haruhi-" You two pull apart to see Haruhi and Hikaru standing in the door with, Hikaru with an unamused face, and Haruhi with a surprised looked. "W-We can e-explain!" You two yelped!

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