The Beach (4)

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"What do you mean helping?" Hikaru asked as I sighed "You wouldn't understand" I replied as he growled "Kaoru! You have to tell me! She's my friend too!" Hikaru yelled as I snapped at him "Hikaru she's hurting herself mentally and physically!" I screamed as he flinched slightly and his mouth parted a little "She's W-What?" He asked, I scolded myself for yelling at him, I let my eyes drop to the floor as I rested my shoulders "I knew you wouldn't understand but remember that girl we teased in middle school? The last one we tore apart she did the same except she went too far and now.. She's gone Hikaru.. I don't want that to happen to Y/n that's why I need your help to save her, not to mention I need your help because... I really like her" I admitted as my brother's eyes swelled up with tears, "I'll help you" He said as I smiled, I hugged him as he hugged back.

~Your P.O.V~

You rolled over onto your other side. You were still shocked at what happened last night 'Wait I'm in bed what the fuck!?' You thought and darted up you saw your sleeves rolled up as you tugged them down. You throw the covers off of yourself and look around, you got up and opened the door as your socks tapped on the tiled wood floor. You look around for the time and saw it being 1 AM. You knew that Kaoru and Hikaru had separate rooms, you knocked on Kaoru's door "Kaoru?" You asked as he opened the door "Yeah?" He asked leaning on the door and rubbing his eyes "I'm so sorry to awake you" You said "Nevermind" You turned to walk off as he placed a hand on your shoulder as to u stopped and looked at him "It's fine, after my fight with Hikaru I can't sleep, what did you need?" Kaoru asked a little concerned, you felt your cheeks burn slightly "I normally have Haru sleep next to me so I don't overthink but she's really tired after the trip and you said that if I needed anything to come to you well.. I'm here and I need someone next to me" You said looking at you suddenly interesting socks "I understand thats how I am with Hikaru a little, come on in" He said and stepped away from the door as you walked in slowly. You suddenly realized he was shirtless causing your cheeks to burn worse, he climbed into his bed and patted next to him, you quickly went over and got in next to him. His arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled you close and snuggled your neck. You giggled at his playful actions and rested your head on top of his and took his scent in. And quickly fell asleep

You woke up to your head buried in Kaoru's neck and your hand placed onto his slightly chiseled chest, and his forehead leaned on yours "Y/n?!" You heard Haruhi call for you as Kaoru woke up as Haruhi opened the door, her eye began to twitch "Uhh hey Haruhi.." You said innocently "What did you guys do!?!" Her voice cracked as you laughed nervously "Well, she didn't want to disrupt your sleeping and I told her that if she needs everything she can come to me, and she needed someone to sleep next to so she came to me" Kaoru said "Are you sure?!" Haruhi said ripping the covers off of Kaoru and yourself revealing him in some lounge pants "Yeah now chill there was no sex" You giggled as she nervously chuckled "Alright, Alright.." She said and attempted to change the subject "Sooo um breakfast is ready then.. We're going to hang out at the beach so get your bathing suits on" Haruhi said as you nodded "Alright... Sounds good" You said as she hurried out "What's wrong?" Kaoru spoke up "What? Nothing.." You say as he rolls his eyes "Don't lie, just tell me" "I'm afraid about everyone seeing my scars... Plus my body.. It's just-" Kaoru cut you off by placing his lips against your's softly "Your body is beautiful, stop your body shaming" Kaoru said with a smile after pulling away "Now go get ready" He smiled as you both stood up but before he left placed his hands on your waist and pull you close while leaning down and kissing you passionately then pulled away "I've been waiting to do that" He said and released you as you smiled and waved bye and opened the door ran to your room. You went to the dresser and pulled out your bathing suit, you grabbed the f/c bikini top and laid it on the bed then you pulled out the f/c bathing suit shorts and laid them on the bed below the top. You then locked the door and closed the curtains and stripped your pants and panties and slipped on the the bottoms of the bathing suit. You stripped you tank top off and unclasped your bra throwing it in a corner then you grabbed the bathing suit top and tied it around your neck loosely and tied the strings to you back a little bit tighter. You walked to the mirror and gazed into it, looking at you s/c body and smiled. 

You slipped some shorts and a tank top over it and unlocked your door and ran out to the kitchen. You all quickly ran out of the beach house and ran to the beach quickly. "Mitsukuni be careful" Mori said as Honey ran out to the beach "Takashi!! Join me!!" Honey yelled as Mori ignored him and laid on a beach towel next to Haruhi. You were the last one out and terrified, hand behind your back and your scarred wrists facing behind you, you couldn't spot Kaoru anywhere "He must be hiding.." You said with a sigh as someone wrapped their arms around your waist as you jumped "Shhh It's just me" The soothing voice from last night whispered as you looked at Kaoru "You scared me" You stated "Sorry, hey follow me" He said taking you to behind Haruhi so you can take off the clothes over your bathing suit, in which you did so, then he took your hand and ran to the rock. You felt everyone's eye on you while you two ran.

He took you to the top of a large rock as you saw a deep part of the water, you could see everything. "Hey, Y/n I really like your bathing suit you look good in it" Kaoru said with a faint blush and a cheeky smile "Thanks Kaoru, I like your trunks" You admitted as you both sat on top of the rock. "Does my butt look good in it?" He joked as your cheeks flustered into a cherry color "I-I don't know" You said and playfully punched him. You guys looked out into the distance as Kaoru grabbed your hand and pulled your attention with it "I meant to do this last night" He spoke softly as he pulled your wrists to his face and kissed every little scar "Kaoru.." You smiled as he looked up you pulled him into a big hug. "Well, we're on a beach let's have fun!" Kaoru said and stood up helping you up too as you nodded.

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