The Beach (2)

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Warning now! You will reading SOME smutty shit!! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED 

Night began to fall and you all were chilling in the living room, watching another scaring movie. You yawned "I'm going to take a stroll on the beach" You said and got up and left, Haruhi ha been in her room for awhile. "How about we play a game?" Kyoya asked while eying the twins "What game now?" The asked in unison as, they both sound irritated, as Kyoya held up a book. Not any book but more of a magazine "Well boys, it seems you both are interested with Y/n, so after putting cameras around Haruhi's house we got some shots of Y/n, and I would make an offer-" Before Kyoya could continue Tamaki flushed with red over his face "Oh Mommy! I want to join!" Tamaki pleaded as Kyoya nodded "Me and Usa-Chan too!" Honey chirped "Alright, whoever could make Y/n blush and show proof will win" Kyoya smirked "How would we be able to tell someone's not lying?" Kaoru asked eying his twin "Because I placed cameras everywhere and everyone has access to the cameras at all time" Kyoa said as his smirk turned devilish "Let the games begin"

Your foot prints were trailing a path as you spotted the dock, you went underneath there and stayed there for awhile as Mori turned around the corner "Hm? Mori-Senpai?" You asked as he didn't say anything, you shrugged it off, until Honey showed up "Hey Honey-Senpai" You said until Mori licked your cheek slightly sucking on it "M-Mori?!" You stuttered as Honey tilted his head and smiled "Sorry I saw some frosting" He said as you pulled your sleeves up to your face "Y-You could have told me!" Honey and Mori looked at each other, Honey went to you but tripped and flew forward. He extended his arms to break his fall until he accidentally grabbed your boobs "H-Honey!" You said hiding your faint blush with your hair, you helped Honey up and sat him on your lap "Are you alright?" You asked him as he nodded "Usa-Chan got clumsy" He lied as you picked him up and as soon as your face was done blushing moved the hair out of your sight "Well Come on" You called to Mori as you walked back inside and set Honey on the couch as you looked around, the whole place seemed empty. 

You walked to the kitchen to get a water bottle Kyoya mentioned as Tamaki ran up behind you and hugged you tightly "D-Daddy your killing me" You said as he released and you gasped "Sorry" He said as he ran his hands through his hair "Sorry Princess, I guess I don't know my own strength" He said trying to be seductive as rose petals fell between you two "Where the fuck did these come from?" You asked as he had a shocked face on "And what strength? I'm stronger than you" You said crossing your arms "I beg to differ-" You cut him up by picking him up and putting him on the couch too. You then grabbed the water bottle and opened it about to take a drink when something hit your elbow making you spill the water over your white long sleeve, you caught a glimpse of orange hair. Growling you stormed to Kyoya's room and slammed open the door "Kyoya" You growled as he turned around looking away from his laptop "One of your fucking hosts spilled water one me, and due to you being in charge and this being your idea for the trip you better give me a long sleeve shirt" You demanded as he stood up and went to his closet. He pulled out a white long sleeve looking exactly like your's, handing it to you you started walking out the door "You might not want to go out there" He said as you turned around "Why?" You asked now concerned "Because your black bra is very visible" He said as you saw the water bled through "Turn around" You demanded as he did so and you slipped your shirt over your head and threw it on the floor you had your arms through the sleeves when you could feel strong arms placed on your shoulders and you jumped and moved one of your hands to your back pocket where your pocket knife was "Come on don't hide yourself yet" Kyoya said when you flipped it open and put it close to his neck making him back up "Come Y/n, you can't hurt me" Kyoya said looking at your shaking hand as he grabbed the pocket knife and threw it by your shirt "K-Kyoya?!" You uttered as he slipped his hand around your waist as he nibble on your neck "K-Kyoya.." You said softly as you gasped, knowing he could overpower you "Kyoya, please.." You said hopping he'd stop "I have to use the bathroom" You said as he stopped, you smirked then quickly turned around after fully putting on your shirt, you hugged him then kneed him in the leg "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME" Your yipped and grabbed your half wet shirt and cover your face while getting your pocket knife and sticking in your back pocket and running to your room and closed the door.

"Hey Y/n" Hikaru say as he pins you to the wall "H-Hikaru?" You asked as he smirks "Hey, guess what?~" He says in a teasing tone as he leans to your face "What?" You blushed as he held up your pocket knife and throws it to the other side of the room "H-Hikaru!" You scream as he crashed his lips onto your's, he pulls away and attacks your neck quickly finding your sweet spot, you moaned softly as this over-whelming pleasure hits you, you snapped out of it and you push him away "Hikaru stop!" You yelped as Hikaru re-finds your sweet spot and abuses it "A-Ah, H-Hikaru" You moaned softly as he smirked "S-Stop" This was the first time you felt pleasure, you wanted him to continue but you don't want him to keep going due to having your heart belong to someone else "Y/n? You alright? Your door's jammed" Haruhi's voice roamed your ears, Hikaru hid in your closet as you opened you door and instantly hugged her "Haruhi, Hikaru's my closet and Kyoya just-" She cut off your whisper "There playing a game" You  were shocked and angry at the same time.

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