The Beach (1)

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You slept next to Haruhi who was cuddling you like her teddy bear, you always found it comfortable to either sleep with out pants/shorts or without a shirt. You felt water splash upon you and Haruhi as you both shot up "What the!" She yelped moving her wet hair from her face as you looked to see who did it as there stood Hikaru holding a bucket of water, and the whole host club standing in the doorway, realizing your in your bra you blushed deeply with the fact with everyone's eyes on you "Guys!" You screamed and grabbed your near by jacket and slipped it on and quickly got up and attempted to walk out of the room but before you could leave Tamaki threw his arms around you trying to hug you "Not now daddy" You said and pushed him away, you went along with the fatherly act and called him dad, then you walked out of the room and to the bathroom. Realizing you forgot to bring clothes you yelled for Haruhi "Haru can you bring me, some clothes?" You asked as someone knocked on the door, thinking it was Haruhi you opened the door to see Kaoru. A blush was scattered to his face as quickly as possible ear to ear, you were still in your bra "H-Here's your clothes" He said and looked away holding out the clothing "Thanks Kaoru" You said and closed the door and changed Why didn't Kaoru keep staring, he's different then most boys.. You thought as you put your wet clothes in the hamper and opened the door "Thanks, really Kaoru" You said as he nodded "Don't mention it" He said as he glanced at you and smiled, for some reason felt like hugging him and crying, the pain on your leg felt worse today but you pushed it away it was mainly healed "Hey, um why didn't Haruhi bring me my clothes?" You asked leaning against the door frame as he leaned against the wall, while you both gaze into the room "Well, she's too busy lecturing the others" Kaoru said as you nodded "Oh by the way, We all have to have two people per limo for some odd reason so sense Hikaru doesn't want to be near me I wanted to know if you'll be in the limo with me?" He asked as you nodded "Sure" You said and quickly went back to the room "Are you done yet because we just missed breakfast at the beach" Kyoya said as Haruhi went silent and nodded. 


Everyone parted into their limo as you slipped into the seat, then Kaoru next to you. "So now we're alone the question I was trying to ask you yesterday, did the kiss mean anything?" You asked him as he gazed into your eyes "I'll tell you later" He said as you looked out the window "So you and Hikaru.. You guys have been more distant from each other.." you commented and glanced at Kaoru who looked down and played with his fingers "I'm sorry! I didn't know it bothered you I-" Before you could continue he spoke up "This is the first time we actually had a real fight, last time it was all an act just because we wanted to go to Haruhi's house" He said chuckling softly "But now, he's really mad just because I've been spending more time with you" He said "Kaoru.. I'm so sorry I caused trouble between you both" You said 


You all arrived at the beach, the limo driver brought your stuff inside the beach house along with Kaoru's. You both walked towards the beach house as he playfully bumped into you, youof course playfully bumped back

~Hikaru's P.O.V~

As our limo pulled up I could see Y/n and Kaoru flirting, I growled softly as I open the door and Haruhi follows out soon after "Hikaru, what are you looking at?" She asked as I turn around with her hand on her hip I will get my revenge Y/n, tonight

~Your P.O.V~

"Come on Kaoru!" You yelped with a real smile as you hopped around the living room "Have you not been in a big house?" Kaoru chuckled "Not really, don't laugh at me" You demanded as Kaoru called you over "I'll show you to your room" He said as the others slowly arrived, Kaoru guided you upstairs and stopped at the end of the hall "Here's your room" He said as you opened the door and placed your stuff down. "T-This is huge!" You yelped.

A/N: What is Hikaru thinking? Find out in the next chapter! ~

But for now stay happy, not crappy. Life's a bitch don't quit. Peace out THUG PUGS!

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