Part 3

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Demi's POV

I head to Maddie's room. My stomach twisting and turning. I know you might think it's silly that I'm this nervous, but if it was your baby girl, doing something bad because she saw you do it, you would feel this way too.

I approach the door, knocking on it slowly. No answer. I open it. No one in there, the bed perfectly made as I left it. I move onto the next, knocking, then opening it. Perfectly made bed. Why do I have so many fucking spare bedrooms? Nice going, Demi.  I think to myself. Why do I need these bedrooms anyway? 15 people aren't going to stay in my house at the same time.

I stop my stupid mental argument with myself when I reach a door and knock on it. Getting a "Go the fuck away, Demi" in reply. How does she even know it is me?

"Baby, please let me in." I try in the most soothing voice I can. Silence. Then I hear the lock click and I quickly put my hand on the handle, ready to pull it down, but don't need to as a sniffling Maddie opens it, tear stains on her cheeks.

I push the door all the way open, wrapping my arms around my little baby sister. I know, I know, she's 13 years old, but she will always be my baby, even though she's only about ten years younger than me. At first, she tense up, but slowly relaxed as I push her onto her bed sitting next to her. I grab her left hand and she immediately pulls away, only confirming my suspicions even more.

"Sweetheart. I just want you to talk to me. You can tell me anything, you know." Maddie just stares at me, as if her mind is thinking in slow motion.

Maddie's POV

"Sweetheart. I just want you to talk to me. You can tell me anything, you know." Demi looks into my eyes. No way can I tell her. She will think I am insane, and take me to a mental hospital or some shit. But Demi knows what it's like, she has her own demons. One side of my brain argues. But she will try to help you. Why get help when you can continue to feel better doing this? The other side argues.

"Maddie. MADDIE" Demi snaps her fingers in front of my face, pulling me out of my mental argument. "Maddie please." I feel bad, she sounds desperate, like she's about to cry. Maybe she does actually care. Before I can make my decision, my arm is grabbed and my sleeve is pulled up, before I can pull back. There are no makeup or bracelets on my scars yet, since it is the morning and I have barely gotten out of bed yet. I just close my eyes and turn my head. I don't want to see her reaction. I'm too scared of it.

A sob erupts in the room. But it isn't mine. I open my eyes and turn my head to look at Demi. She's sitting there crying, running her thumb over each and every one of my scars, old and new. This is why I didn't want anyone to know. I just become more of a burden. Now I'm always going to be a burden to Demi. I mean, if she actually does care. I close my eyes again, waiting for the "Why do you do this?" "You have everything you could ask for, a roof over your head, parents who love you, food when you need it, you're so ungrateful".  But it doesn't come. Demi just pulls me closer into her and hugs me tighter. "Oh, baby girl" she just repeats over and over as tears begin to fall out of my eyes.

"Please, please, just talk to me. Let it out baby girl, please." Demi looks at me, concern and sadness filling her eyes. I can't stand it anymore, but I can't tell her. I just shake my head. "Please baby." She repeats. I take a deep breath. Here we go...


Sorry guys but this story doesn't have many readers as my other so I wanted to make sure I got the other one done first. Thank you for those who commented and/or voted. I will be updating every other day, with occasional random updates. I might update this tomorrow though, because I left with a pretty big cliffhanger and if I were reading this I would be pissed. PLEASE COMMENT!! IF THIS GETS 3 VOTES AND 3 COMMENTS I WILL UPDATE TOMORROW. If not, I will update the day after like usual. So pretty much...

EARLY UPDATE: 3 votes, 3 comments

IF NOT: update will come Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Stay Strong <3


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