Part 30

833 22 4

*Possibly triggering. Contains abuse.*

"I just want to die already." The six words that make the whole situation worse. But she continues. "Just kill me. Please just kill me." She says to me, looking me straight in the eyes.

Maddie's POV
I wake up to the yells of my sister. Which one? You guessed it, Demi. I hate that she has all the flashbacks and deals with all of this. Yesterday she told us she wanted to die. And that's terrifying.

"Please!" She yells repeatedly, thrashing around in the bed. I look over to where Dallas would be but she's not there. Making a mental note to find her later, I rush towards Demi's side, and try to wake her up.

"Dems wake up, Dems it's Maddie." I repeat over and over until finally Demi's eyes shoot open and she jumps sways from me. She relaxes once she realizes it's me. I try to hug her but she just quickly hugs me and pushes me away.

"It's okay Mads I-I'll be okay just go b-back to sleep baby girl." She says to me and I slowly nod, laying back down on the little cot. Demi's soft whimpers and cries travel through the room, and I know she's trying her hardest to stifle her tears and emotions.

"Dems, just let it out. I'll stay over here if you want, but just let it out Dems." I tell her calmly and she doesn't have to be told twice. The tears come rolling down her face and the sobs erupt through her body. It breaks my heart to see her like this.

Demi's POV
I couldn't hold it in anymore. I tried to be strong for Maddie, but she told me to let it out, and I couldn't hold back anymore.


I sat on the couch in the living room of our house. It was the afternoon and Dallas and I were home alone. Mom was at work and Dad, well he was out doing something. Just as I changed the channel the door opened, and in came my wonderful father. He wasn't drunk. Yet. I sit on the couch not daring to move as Dallas sends me stares from across the room.

I watched TV as I watched my dad through the corner of my eye. He went over to the cupboard and grabbed his glass for drinking, and his glass for measuring. I didn't see why he bothered to measure anything when he just drinks almost the whole bottle. He then put the two ice cubes in the glass. I watched him, knowing for sure that by his third glass, he wouldn't see a need for the ice.

He went over to the bar and reached for the vodka. Dallas and I exchanged nervous glances. Dad always got way more drunk when he drank vodka than when he drank beer.

Slowly, Dallas and I crept out of the living room and into my room. Now we just hide, and wait this whole thing out, we thought.

About an hour later the sloppy footsteps slowly made their way towards the bedroom door. I clung onto Dallas for dear life, knowing that she couldn't save me though. The door swung open and there he was, the evil grin on his face.

"Demetria, did you do your homework?" He asks me, his words incredibly slurred and his body slowly ricking from side to side.

"N-No we d-didn't have h-homework." I managed to squeak out, and that's when everything went wrong.

I was quickly slapped across the face and pushed onto the ground. Dad pounced on top of me, his alcohol filled breath directly in my face. "YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST SLACK OFF, YOU LAZY BITCH?" He screamed in my face, his wet and slimy spit covering my skin in tiny droplets. His grip on my arm got tighter and I let out a yelp as the tears rolled down my face.

"STOP CRYING, YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF, BITCH." He yelled in my face again. My body was lifted up and thrown onto the bed, my head hitting the edge window sill. Little did I know that I would have a scar on my head for years after that. "GOD YOU'RE FUCKING HEAVY YOU BETTER STOP EATING ALL THE FOOD." He yells again, and the words were like knives stabbing me in every part of my body.

His fist came in contact with my side, and I swallowed the throw up that rose into my mouth, trying to catch the air that was knocked out of me. His fist hit me about four times before a handful of my hair was gripped and pulled. I was dragged off the bed by my long hair, and dragged down the hallway. My scalp felt like it was on fire as my Dad continued.

*end of flashback*

"Demi!" My flashback was cut short as I heard Maddie yelling my name. I absolutely hate getting flashbacks, I'm just glad that that day my Dad didn't go any further, and stopped at the hitting part.

"Demi! It's Dallas!" Maddie screamed in my face, tears rolling down her red cheeks.

"W-what?" I ask, watching the nurses whiz pass the room. Maddie just shakes her head and hands me a piece of paper. I read it as tears spill out of my eyes.


I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore. I know you'll be okay. You're strong. You and Maddie stick together okay? This isn't your fault. I'm sorry this is short but I don't have much time. Stay strong for me.

"They're trying to save her right now." Maddie says and I just nod, numbness consuming me.

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