Part 24

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(Just to clarify, I have nothing against Dianna and think she is a wonderful woman. This is just fiction.)

"We're g-going home?" Maddie said to me and I nodded, sighing.

"Yes, we're going home." I said, hugging my baby sister.

I held Maddie's hand as we slowly walked into the hospital. I don't know if mom is here or not and I don't even know if Dallas is awake, but nothing is going to stop me from seeing my sister.

We turn the corner near Dallas' room and hear shouting coming from it. I pull Maddie's hand back and stand and listen.

"How could you even think about doing that to them?!" I voice yells. It sounded weak, and I'm guessing it was Dallas'.

"Dallas Lovato, your sisters are screwed up in the head! I couldn't deal with them anymore! They had to be sent away, and you know what, you're getting close to getting sent away too, young lady." Mom says and my eyes well up with tears, as do Maddie's. Ouch.

I grab Maddie's hand and stomp into the room. Mom looks at us, a mixture of surprise and confusion written all over her face. And anger, lots of anger. I rush towards Dallas, giving her a ginormous hug, a few tears dripping out of both of our eyes.

"You scared the shit out of me, Dallas Lovato." I mumbled in her ear.

"I know." She replies and I give her one more huge hug before turning to mom, Maddie heading over to give Dallas a hug. I take a deep breath before speaking to mom.

"Yes, mom. We got out. After you stuck us in a treatment center to get rid of us because we're 'screwed up in the head', we signed out." I say to mom, using my fingers to make air quotes. "Because you know what, mom? I might be going through a difficult time in my recovery, but I didn't need to be sent back to treatment because you didn't want to have to deal with me. And Maddie would never have lasted in there! She's 13 years old, she can't handle that. She needs support from Dallas, and Marissa, and I. And the nurses there all agreed. So don't even try to send us back because we can all either sign ourselves out or get signed out, so just stop. Go back to Texas wth dad. Marissa, Dallas, Maddie, and I will be perfectly fine." I yell at her and she looks shocked. Dallas has a small grin on her face and Maddie is now hiding her face in my arm.

Mom grabs her bag and walks up to me, sticking her face as close as she could to mine without touching. She smirks at me before talking. "Maybe you should up your crazy meds, or get off the cocaine. You can have the two other crazies. You made them that way. I don't want them." As she talks it's as if she's spitting out poison, and she walks away, leaving me standing there.

Maddie's POV
Dallas and I watch as Demi bites her bottom lip and breaks down into tears. Mom walks down the hallway, not taking one look back. Demi is on the floor, with her head in her hands, sobbing. Dallas looks at me.

"Bring her over here." Dallas says to me and I nod. I grab Demi by her hands and pull her up to her feet. Maneuvering her body to sit on the inflatable mattress of Dallas' bed. Dallas grabs Demi and pulls her close to her body, stroking Demi's hair with her hand. Demi's sobs have quieted down to whimpers and Dallas speaks.

"Shh Dems it's okay. Relax." Dallas says in a soothing voice.

"Th-they w-won't b-be q-quiet." Demi chokes out and Dallas nods.

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