Part 8

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I sit down on the bed. "I don't know if you've noticed or not, but I don't have anything else to do today than sit here and help my best friend."

Marissa's POV
Demi sighs and looks up at me. "I don't know what I'd do without you..." She says, reaching for me to give me a hug. "Actually, I wouldn't have to worry about that because without you I wouldn't be here." Her voice lowers at the last part.

"Demi don't think about that. Ignore that. What changed?" I ask a little more promptly. She shakes her head and looks down at her lap like its the most interesting thing in the world. I go to speak but she cuts me off.

"You do too much for me. I barely do anything for you. You don't need to help me. Really Mar, it's f-fine." She says.

"Is that why you didn't tell me you almost relapsed?!" I say a little more angrier than I should. "Demi I don't care how much I do for you! You are my best friend and I'm here to help you. And you do do stuff for me. You help me when I need it and I help you when you need it. You don't have to tell me right now. I'm not going to pull it out of you. But you are going to tell me eventually." A tear rolls down her cheek as I finish. How can such an amazing person be so broken? I stand up from the bed and look down at Demi. Tears are slowly rolling down her cheeks.

I take her hand in mine and wipe a tear off it that dripped from her cheek. "Can you trust yourself right now?" I ask. "I have to go use the bathroom." She hesitates before nodding. I take it to myself and place her hands under her body. "Don't move ok?" I tell her. She nods.

I head into the bathroom with the blade in my hand. After I'm done actually using the bathroom I look down on the blade I placed on the counter. Does it actually work? It's worked enough for both Demi and Maddie to do it. Maybe I could do it. Just this one time. By now the blade is sitting on my wrist, waiting to slice into the skin if I move it one centimeter. I snap out of it and drop the blade on the white tile floor, it making a tinging sound on the floor. I slide down on the floors against the wall. What was I thinking? I can't start doing it too. I need to stay strong for Demi and Maddie.

I hear footsteps quickly approaching the door, then a knock. "M-Mar?" Demi's nervous voice echoing through the door. I reach up and unlock the door, watching as Demi practically falls into the room. She stops and looks at the blade, then me. "Did you...?" She asks. I shake my head no as a tear rolls down my cheek. She steps toward me and I stand up. "Oh thank God" she says, sounding full of relief. She kicks the blade far away from us across the bathroom as she embraces me in a hug. She's crying now and so am I.

"I heard it h-hit the tile. That sound was t-too familiar for m-me." She says and I nod. "I thought I lost you. I thought you went down that road, that black hole. It wouldn't have been just once, Mar. It wouldn't have." She says and I nod again.

"I know. I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking." I reply.

"Please, please don't. Ever." Demi begs. "I don't know what I'd do with myself i-if you a-and Maddie, and D-Da-..." She cuts herself off covering her face with her hands.

"And who?" I ask curiously, embracing my friend in a hug. Demi just shakes her head. "Demi you have to stop doing that. Please. What are you hiding?" I ask, pulling away from the hug and looking her in the eyes.

"Fine" she says. "B-but lets go sit down." We walk out of the bathroom and I watch Demi's eyes quickly flicker to the blade on the floor. I decide to ignore this for now, I need to hear what's going on.

We sit down on the bed and Demi sighs. She looks at me and I nod. She begins. "A few weeks ago I was walking past Dallas' room and heard crying. It was actually more like sobbing. I opened the door without knocking and saw her sitting on her bed with a pair of scissors in her hand, clenching her fist. My whole world fell around me. Dal was always so strong, always one I could go to, even before I went to treatment. I couldn't believe it. I ran towards her and threw the scissors out of her hand, mumbling 'no, not you' over and over as I hugged her. She didn't say one word and eventually fell asleep. When she was asleep I looked at her phone. She was looking at hate. On Twitter, Instagram, and even through text. They were horrible, Mar. They were worse than the ones I used to get, even the ones that caused this." She points to the vertical scar on her wrist. "I tried to resolve the issue. I DMed some of them, but they didn't care. They turned on me. Calling me fat, ugly, that I should kill myself, I should relapse. That's when things got bad for me. They came back. The voices. Every single one of them. Screaming. I skipped a f-few meals, and got a new b-blade. Then I found out about Maddie. I couldn't take it anymore. But I didn't cut. I, um, I skipped and purged once. But it's all too much, Mar. I can't do it. I have to worry about Dallas getting hate and possibly hurting herself, and I have to worry about Maddie committing or continuing to cut, and it's too much negativity to keep myself together. To stay strong. Because right now, I'm not strong. I'm weak. And both of my sisters are the same way."

I finally updated! Sorry this took so long. I hope you like it! As always, comment and vote please! Any suggestions or questions comment below. I REALLY WANT YOUR GUYS FEEDBACK SO PLEASE COMMENT. As always,
Stay Strong,

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