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Ok guys so today I went to the GMA Summer concert series and saw Demi. She was absolutely amazing and I swear she made eye contact with me. Anyway I have a few questions for you guys:
Is it just me or is Demi much less perky and silly Demi like she usually is? Idk she just seemed different at the concert, it might just be the whole Wilmer situation. And no, I'm not blaming Wilmer, they handled the breakup like responsible people. But I think she was crying after she walked off stage after Stone Cold today because I saw her wipe like a year off her face when she walked back. But what do you guys think?
I think I'm going to make a story that is full of Demi and you stories so if you give me a name and plot I will make a short story with it every week. Comment below!!
Suggestions??? Comment!!
As always,
Stay Strong,

Through it Together- Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now