Part 34

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And I watch as my sister stabs the syringe into her leg, pushing whatever liquid in there inside of her body, and immediately passing out.

What have I done.

Marissa's POV

I watch as Demi's fragile and broken body slumps over in the chair. My head is spinning, Dallas' screams filling my ears. Doctors rush in in an instant and a nurse grabs me by the shoulders, looking me straight in the eye, trying to get me to focus.

"What happened?" The nurse yells and I stumble out the words as best as I can, explaining that Demi stabbed whatever was in that syringe into her leg and just passed out. The nurse nods and gives me a quick hug. "It's okay we'll help her it's okay." The nurse says and rushes back to the doctors pushing demi out of the room.

I look over at Dallas, who can't seem to control anything she is doing at the moment. Her breathing is quick and short, with tears freely flowing down her cheeks. I lay next to her and start sobbing with her and look over to the door. Maddie is standing there with complete shock and confusion written on her face along with wet crocodile tears running down her cheeks.

"C-come h-here b-baby girl." I say to her, holding my arm out. She walks over and we all hug. I look down and her sleeve is slightly rolled up, fresh scars covering her arm. I sigh. All of us are going down a very rocky and dangerous path.

*two weeks later*

Everything is finally sorted out. Demi injected herself with a sedative, but nothing that was very dangerous to her. Demi had to stay in the hospital for another two weeks due to her mental state but isn't required to go to rehab because she's a pop star, and people are afraid to make pop stars do something they don't want to do. But Demi wasn't like that. She would go if we told her. Stephanie was finally arrested and anyone working with her was too. Dallas had to stay in the hospital for one week, and we all stayed in the hospital with Dem until she got out. Now we're back home, 4 broken people in one house. Let's just say there is never a dry eye in this house.

Between Demi having constant nightmares and flashbacks, and Dallas and Maddie getting so much hate and bullying, and me, trying my hardest not to break, this house is a mess. Dianna hasn't contacted any of us once, and Demi is on break for as much time as she needs.

But Demi is the worst out of all of us. She barely gets any sleep, and can barely eat without throwing it all up. And not even on purpose, her body just cannot contain the food. She's almost ripped out her stitches multiple times, and the only reason why she hasn't cut is because she barely has the energy to leave her bed. She's falling fast. I try to sleep next to her every night, because I have to wake her up from her nightmares before they get any worse, and calm her down afterwards. I can't imagine what she's dealing with right now.

Demi's POV

It's so difficult. I'm trying so hard to hold myself together. Every time my eyes close I imagine his hand coming in contact with my face, the sting on my cheek, waiting for it to leave before it quickly returns again. The balls of spit flying out of his mouth and hitting my face and the purple-red vein popping out of his forehead. The force of energy when my body hits the wood floor, and the fear when I'm thrown onto the bed, expecting the worst. And the belt, that belt. Slipping out of the loops of his jeans, making the loud snapping noise.

"DEMI!" I hear a scream and look at Marissa, who's in front of my face, her hands on my shoulders. I look down, embarrassed.

"I'm sorry." I say and Marissa loosens her grip on me.

"No Dems you don't have to be sorry. I can't imagine what your mind is like right now. I just didnt want your flashback to get any worse." She says, kissing my forehead and leaning back on the bed.

"We'll get through this Dem, together." She says and I give her a weak smile. I sure hope so.

Okay guys so here's another chapter. This was pretty triggering and hard to write so I hope you guys like it. So yeah. I'll update soon. As always,
Stay Strong,

Through it Together- Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now