normal day for mike sr.

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Dad Cimorelli's pov.

the old, cheap alarm clock went off.  this means its 5am.  every morning at 5am i have to get up and get to the guard center, there i will be asigned a post i will have to spend my shift at.  there where 10 posts located on the huge wall.  the post is a tower built into the wall.  guards would have to go to the top and just watch out for runners and people.  if you saw a runner we have to shoot them.  if we saw a person we had to do what our post master tells us. the post master is a highly trained guard, he makes every decision.  

i get off my duty at 3pm.  then the next group of guards taake over.  there are so many guards in the zone. in fact most of the older people here are guards.  50 percent of adults are guards, 10 are marketers, 10 are builders, 20 are hunters, and the other 10 percent is officials.

marketers are the people who run the shops in the town.  the shops open at 10 am and close at 7pm.  lynne, christina and katherine are marketers.  the markets are closed on the weekends.  

builders are the people who build and repair the zone.  the builders have to report to the builders center at 9am, there they will get assignments.  after they finish them they have to report back for another.  they do this until 6pm.  mike and alex are builders.  but i think alex and i are going to get transfered over to hunters soon.  and when lauren and nick are old enough they will be hunters too. sarah is already a hunter.

you see hunters are the people who go outside of the safe zone and hunt animals ad gather supplies the marketers, builders, and anyone needs.  this is the most dangerous job.  you need to be quick, sneaky and tough.  all of the hunters have had experience with survival, thats why sarah is one.  thats why alex, lauren, nick and i might be one aswell. we had survived out there with the runners, we know how to kill them best.  the hunters leave at 6am everymorning through the front gate.  they leave in military cars and trucks.  each hunter gets a fully loaded gun and some sort of close combat weapon.  they get back at 1pm.

and last, the officials.  they are the head of the zone, the most powerful and rich.  i dont know exactly how they chose officials, but i think you have to be wealthy and smart.  the officials get their own little home unit.  there homes are much bigger.  they are located near the head building where they work.  

you dont get to pick a job, the officials pick your job for you.  they base it off your skills and past.

every job is important to the zone.  and every job is watched over by the zone president.  the zone president is the most powerful person in the zone.  he gives orders that help the zone.  the last president was unfair to any stragglers that came.  he was killed by one of the guards when he was trying to kill me, my kids and sarah.  unfortunatly he did kill lindsey, sarahs older sister.  

oh and stragglers are the people who arrive after they originally brought people here.  that means alex, lauren, nick, sarah and i are documented as stragglers.  strangglers are usually looked down upon by the others.  the new president didnt mean for that when he made the title, he just wanted to keep things origanized.  

anyway, i get out of bed and change into my gaurd uniform. i walk out the room lynne and i sleep in. i pass the room the boys have to share and the room the girls have to share to get to the stairs. every house in this unit has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room and a kitchen.  you have to make everything fit. if you lived in the official living unit you would have four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a dining room, kitchen, living room and spare room.  

after eating breakfast i quickly walk to the guard center to get my post number.  my post number will be in my box.  each guard gets a box, which is just a shelf.  my post number is 6.  there are jeeps waiting to take us to our posts.  i get into the jeep with the 6 on it, two men and the driver were already in there.  we wait another minute for a women to jump in.  the driver then takes us to post 6, where the post master is already waiting.  

i do my duty for the day and head home.  lisa and amy are home alone with the younger ones so i need to get back to help.  its like this everyday.  except for the weekends when lynne, christina and katherine are off. 

when i get home im greated by my kids "hi dad, shot any runners?"  christian asked.

"not today"  i walk by them to go change in my room.  i change into normal clothes and take a nap.  when i wake up again its already 6:20.  i got down stairs to cook dinner.

alex, lisa and amy was in the living room with sarah.  mike was probably walking around the zone and the younger kids were out front.

"hey sarah.  staying for dinner?" i ask her while passing through.

"if you dont mind"  she replies.

"not at all, were having beef and mashed potatoes"  i go into the kitchen and leave the door open.

"yum"  she says.

i finish cooking at 7:15, just as lynne, christina and katherine get home.  we all sit around the table, it was a tight sqeeze like always.  we do a little prayer before eating.  i silently deticate it to ben, max and lindsey.

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