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Dad Cimorelli's Pov.

i walked to tommy's house in the dark.  i need to tell him.  

slowly i walk up to his house and knock.  "coming!" a women's voice shouted from inside.  was i at the wrong house?  tommy lives alone.

a brown hair, tall women answered the door.  "uh, hi" i say.

"hi" she says all bubbley. 

i clear my throat, "is tommy home?"  i ask.

"no, he got called in for extra work"  she smiled.

"ok, tell him to come to mikes house tomarrow morning"  

"will do"  she tells me.

"ok, bye"  i ran off back home.  once i get home i go to my room and fall asleep.


i woke up and lynne wasnt in the bed.  i get up and put on some clean clothes before heading downstairs.  i see the front door open and evryone sitting outside.   "what are you doing?" i ask them.

"we are listening for an announcement" joey answers. 

i see tommy sitting there aswell, "did they tell you?" i ask him.  he nods.

i sit down too and wait for the annoucement.  sure enough after another 10 minutes a voice on the speakers talk.

"good morning everyone, im sorry for interupting.  could all stragglers gather in the town at the platform."  then he stops.

"come on" i pull lauren and nick up, alex stands up.

"we are coming" christina says and they all stand up.  we walk to the town.  i could see lauren and nick shaking.  they were so scared.  

once we get to the town all the stragglers were gathered infront of the platform. non stragglers circle around to watch, some tease us.  

the president got up to a microphone with some other officials and gaurds.  "all stragglers who are hunters may leave."  many of the stragglers leave the group, but stick around to watch.  there wasnt many of us left

"anyways, we are lacking the number of hunters and we need more.  you stragglers are the best for the job.  you know how to survive out of the zone."  i look around and see sarah and her family standing outside the group of stragglers.  "we are going to transfer some of you over to hunter"  the president continued.  "if you will get into a line so we can chose."  we do as he says.  i make sure to keep close to my kids.  

two officials come of the platform with clipboards and start to send people off to the right and left. the right being people who will not be hunter and the left are people who will be.

the line gets shorter and shorter, mostly old people and small children are over to the right.  i get up to the officials.

"name?" he commands like a robot.

"mike sr. cimorelli" i answer.  the man looks at his clipboard.

"right"  he directs me to the group of not hunters.  i sigh in relief.  then i remember my kids.  

lauren get up.  he asks her name and she answers.  he mouths something and lauren turns pail. she walks to the left.  the left!  

i run to the left side but a guard stops me.  "sir, you need to stay on the right side."

"my daughter!  i ned to be with her!"  i tell him.

"sir, theres a reason they put you on the right."  he says shovein me back to the right.  alex and nick are also both put on the right.  they are going out of the zone without me.

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