normal day for lauren and nick

470 11 4

Lauren's Pov.

i woke up shaking and sweating.  i just had a nightmare again.  it was about max and ben, they were runners.  i sat up in my bed and looked around my room.  it was a small room to share with six people, we had to have 3 bunkbeds.  it was the same in the boys room. dani, amy and i got top bunks, christina was below me, kath below dani and lisa below amy.  

i climb out of my bed and walked to the door.  every step i took made the floor creek, this house wasnt built the best.  "lauren, go back to bed" christina mumbled.

"i cant" i told her before leaving my room.  she understood why,  everyone does by now.  nick and i have the worst nightmares, alex's are less intense and dad doesnt seem to be scared of his.  

i went down stairs and saw nick and alex on the couch, talking.  this happens a lot.  "i officially hate sleeping"  i announce to them as i throw myself on the couch next to them.  

"same"  nick sighed.  

we sit and talk for a while until mike comes down.  "alex time to go"  mike puts his shoes on.  

"okay hold on"  alex runs to the boys room and quickly changes into his uniform.  he comes back down and leaves with mike.  

"6 weeks ago we were at home, just waking up to do school work."  nick said.

the school is starting in a week.  the builders had been working extremely hard to build the school and its finally done.  they are just finding teachers.  all kids from ages of 5 to 15 will be in the school.  when you turn 16 you get one of the jobs.  mom will probably get switch over to teacher.

the only reason lisa and amy dont have a job is so they could watch us younger people.  once the school gets started they probably will go work in the market or as guards.   

christian, joey and dani come down the stairs.  "what are you guys doing?"  i ask them.

"we are going to see if jackson wants to hang out"  christian says.

jackson is sarahs younger brother.  he's got blonde shaved hair.

"okay, we're coming"  nick jumps up.  we walk down the dirt road to jackson's house.  when we get him we just walk around the zone. when its 4pm we decide to go home.  nick and i walk jackson home, we also wanted to say hi to sarah.  

"hey guys, how's it going?" sarah asks us.

"its good, except for night time."  nick answers.  sarah nods her head, she knows what we are talking about.  

"we should get home"  i break the silence.

"alright, good seeing you again"  she waves goodbye.  nick and i turn to leave but sarah talks again.  "oh!  and tell your dad and alex i need to talk to you guys"  

"okay, bye"  we walk home.  once we get home dad was already back.  uncle tommy was sitting in the living room talking with christian, joey, dani, amy and lisa.  

"hi uncle tommy"  nick sat with him.  

"hey nicky"  uncle tommy says but i go into the kitchen before they continue.  i find dad cooking dinner.  

"hey dad, sarah says she needs to talk to us four" i tell him.  

"did she say what about?"  he questions as he sturs the soup hes making.

"no"  i shake my head.

"we'll go over tomorrow"  he says.

the rest of the night was the same as always, when mom, christina and katherine got home we ate. then uncle tommy went to his house and we went to bed.  

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