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HEY GUYS!!!1! it's been so long since I've gotten on D; Anyways, heres the new chapter, hope yall like it. c: sORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER BTW-Charlize

Harrys P.O.V:

There I stood, right in front of me was Liam. awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, I kept clenching my fists and unclenching.

"Look, Harry I'm really sorr-" He began, but i cut him off.

"Why." I glared, my eyes were bloodshot from crying, hair in a mess.  Liam's eyes were flooded with guilt, he sighed; hanging his head to face his shoes

"I- I guess I just wanted love too..It's unfair. You all are in a great relationship, Louis with El, Zayn and Perrie, you and Niall...I guess, I just wanted to learn how to love again."

"But that doesn't mean you need to kiss my boyfriend." I growled

"I know Harry! I wasn't thinking, I'm so sorry.." Hot tears began to prick at Liam's eyes, I hated seeing Liam cry, it's too hard to cope with. Sighing I wrapped my arms around him and mumbled

"I guess it's fine, just don't do it again or I'll cut off your tongue." He sniffled out a laugh and hugged back.

"We should tell Niall we're cool, yeah?" I ran my hand through my dark curls, Liam nodded. We took my car and drove to Niall's flat in no time. Once we got there, we saw the door open. Before I knew it I was already in the house, to be surprised by trashed things, a lot of Niall's belongings were missing, but something caught my eye. Walking towards the object i examined it.

"Oh my God.." Were the last words that left my mouth before I bolted out the door.

~Liam's POV

I frowned once i saw Harry bolt out the door, I looked what he was reading..My jaw dropped, along with the picture written in sharpie., I followed after him, running as fast as I can to anywhere, as long as I could find the fucker who took him.

"Tsk tsk, shouldn't have left your boyfriend alone at home, being vunerable and all. Don't worry, I'll take good care of him, Don't try to find him, there's no use in trying since you'll never find me.

 Bye bye!


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