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|| WARNING: there will be some graphic content in this chapter. If you cannot handle graphic context I insist you stop reading, thank you. ||

Harry's P.O.V:

3 months, it has been 3 months since Niall's disappearance. 91 days without seeing Niall's face, 2191 hours without physical contact of Niall's body. 131487 minutes without holding his delicate body in my arms, 3 whole fucking months without me being able to tell him how much I love him, or how much he means to me. God I miss him, I miss him so much; I would do anything to see him again. 

I felt a hand grab my shoulder, I didn't bother looking at who touched me; it didn't matter anyways. Nothing mattered to me except for Niall. And now Niall's gone..

"Hey mate, how have you been holding up?" Zayn sat across from me, Zayn hasn't gotten a lot of sleep since Niall's abduction. None of us have been sleeping. He had bags under his eyes, his hair was a mess and he's been fuiling off of coffee.

"I don't know anymore Zayn," I looked at him "I don't know if I can keep going any longer. I don't know if I can continue knowing everyday Niall might be dead out there. I don't know if he's alive, or if he's rotting out there; while we sit here doing fucking NOTHING he might be out there dying." Zayn looked at me for a moment, he was silent. My eyes began to water while my fingers wouldn't stop shaking.

"What if he's dead Zayn?" My voice cracked, I broke down right in front of Zayn. He held me while I cried on his shoulder. I feel silly for crying, but I don't care at all. 

Zayn pulled away and looked at me "Hey, listen to me." He wiped away my tears and grabbed onto my shoulders.

"We are going to find him, I promise you. I will do everything and anything in my power to help you find him." 


Niall's P.O.V:

 I don't know how long I've been in here. Everything is dark, cold. All I can focus on is my breathing, inhaling and exhaling the scent of stale piss and blood. I can't move all that much, I can move my arms but not my legs. My ankle is chained to a pole somewhere in this dark room, and all I can think about is "What if they forgot me?" "What if everyone moved on?" "What if Harry already forgot about me?" What if's are clouding my mind, discouraging me.

I am left behind to rot in my own liquids. I am being constantly abused and raped. I'm barely fed, I don't even know what I eat, or where I am for that matter. I am alone.

The cell door began to open, a beam of light hit my face; revealing my abused and bruised face. Breathing through my mouth a man walked in, he looked somewhat between 20-25. He was painted in tattoos, his hair was dark brown and his eyes cold. He came closer to me and grabbed a hold of my hair, yanking me forward.

"Happy 3 month anniversary" His voice was low, he licked his lips and yanked me forward so I was on my knees. I groaned and felt pain shoot through my chest, he grinned.

"You know what that means Darlin" I caught his drift. I'm sick of being constantly used in this fucking cell. I have to get out; I have to escape. Think Niall think, how can you take him down? A plan popped up, hopefully it'll work. 

"C'mon I don't have all day." He smacked my face, I winced but stuck through it. I began to unbuckle his jeans, sliding them down to reveal black boxers. My stomached turned but I had to do it to escape. I continued stripping his lower half, his member hung before me. I placed my hands around him and began to put my mouth over it. I sucked on it until it was fully lubricated. My head was spinning with nausea. I continued sucking his member, earning groans from him.

"That's right.." he gripped my hair, I gagged a little, tears streamed down my face.

Do it Niall, do it. I ran over the steps of the plan inside my head, I sucked harder and began to count down


he man moaned louder, he almost began to thrust in my mouth. Two....


I bit down as hard as i could until I tasted blood, I let go while he screamed. He fell to the floor squirming. I checked all of his pockets for keys, there has to be fucking keys. C'mon Niall hurry the fuck up you don't have time. My hand ran over a set of keys. Fuck, there was at least 5 keys. Which one can unlock me? I tried all of them, there has to be one that'll work. 


I'm free. I took the cuffs and cuffed the man to the pull, he was under so much pain, he looked at me and said "You won't get away with this you fucking cunt". Before I left I thought it would be a good idea to grab his gun, I locked the door and began sprinting down the hallways; looking for the exit. My step became a little faster do to the sound of people talking, I took a sharp turn around a corner and hid behind a door while the people passed by; continuing their conversation. I breathed out a sigh of relief and ran through the hallways once again, passing by number of cells holding in god knows who. I felt a sharp pain run through my arm, I hissed and bit my lip. What the fuck? I looked down at my arms to see one of the wounds from days ago has opened. It was burning like shit, I held my palm against it trying to stop the pain. I took another turn around this maze-like hallway, I stopped in front of the answer to my prayers; an exit. 

I pushed through the door quietly in spite of them coming to find me, I leaned against the door and gazed all around me; sucking in the fresh air through my lips. Tears streamed down my face while I began sprinting down the street. I don't know where the hell I am, but i have to find a payphone; quickly. I hid the gun, running down the streets trying to find a store that had a payphone near by. The pain in my arm began to numb away, I almost couldn't feel my arm at all. 

"Hey man, are you okay?" I heard a voice near by me, I turned quickly and looked at the person. He didn't look threatening at all, but I can't trust anyone right now until i get to an hospital.

"Do you have a phone on you?" I asked, he examined my face, memorizing all of the scars, cuts and bruises. He nodded and quickly grabbed his phone out of his pockets. I grabbed his phone and began dialing a number.

"Hello?" I sighed out in relief, it was Liam.

"Liam, I need you." 

"Holy shit Niall?! Is that you? Oh my God Niall where are you?!" His voice was filled with happiness and he began to sound worried.

I moved the phone away from my ear and looked at the guy who let me use his phone, "Where are we right now?" my voice cracked and I gulped down, looking at him.

"Uhh, we're in Maple street, near the mall." I nodded and thanked him, I told Liam exactly where the guy told me. Liam was going to pick me up and bring me to the hospital.

I am finally free. 


(I'm sorry, this chapter kinda sucked //: )

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