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Niall's P.O.V:

Harry had his arm around me all day, it made my stomach flutter with butterflies and I could just bleed out happiness and sunshine. But the only thing that was ruining everything was Louis, he kept on giving me dirty looks and shooting daggars at me. (not literally)

 Harry broke me away from my thoughts, his angeletic soft voice whispered in my ear

"You alright?" He furrowed his eyebrows, I nodded and bit my lip.

"I'm good, thanks for worrying." I giggled, he smiled wide, showing off his dimples, ugh those dimples..making my heart beat and stuff.

"Well, I'm gonna go get some pizza, I'll be back. " oh my gosh, pizza sounds amazing right now, he must've been reading my mind or something. He broke away from my shoulder, the cold crispy breeze of February wrapped its own arms around my shoulders, making me shiver.

"Stay away from him." turning my head I saw a pissed off Louis.

"Pardon me?"

"You heard me, stay the hell away from Haz." I furrowed my eyebrows


"No? What do you mean no? I told you to stay away. okay, scat." he crossed his arms

" And I told you no, I don't give two shits if you love him, he's mine. and only mine. "  I cocked an eyebrow at him and smirked a little.

"Funny, cause you see, he doesn't love you. he's not gay like you. Why would he love a little shit like you? do you really think he;ll ever love you? do you?" His voice grew louder,his words spat at me with venom, I thought about it for a minute, what if Harry actually doesn't love me...what if he's just playing games with my mind...Anxiety was filling in my veins. I looked up at Louis, he had a devilish smirk plastered on his face..my eyes filled up with stinging tears.

"What's wrong Nialler? Cat gotcha tongue?" He flickered his tongue and kept smirking. I tried to shove words out of my mouth but they were washed over with sobs that I had to swallow down, I turned around and ran to the nearest bathroom, I closed the door quietly and locked it, I slid down the door and the sobs escaped my mouth, I balled up my fists and pressed them against my eyes, tears were spilling everywhere, I gasped out for breath and kept on sobbing, I put my hand up on the sink, pulling myself up I stared into the mirror, my eyes were red and puffy, tears stained my blotchy face, my hair stood up in different directions.

"You disgust me...I hate you..Everyone hates you." I yelled at my reflection, a blue vain was popping out of my neck.

"JUST DIE ALREADY." I pounded my fist against the mirror, shattering it, glass shards piled down onto the sink, I felt a sharp sting, I put up my hand and saw tiny glass shards stuck in my flesh, having blood trickle down my fingers and knuckles. I sniffed and picked the pieces out carefully, after I did that i washed off the blood and wrapped it up in a bandage, I sat on the toilet and put my head in my hands.

"Maybe nobody will remember me, maybe nobody will care that I'm gone.." I was hyperventilating, it was hard to breathe my ribs felt as if they were to shatter any moment, I stumbled and got up, unlocked the door and held onto the hallway, I made my way to the kitchen, I searched frantically for pain pills, I opened the cupboard and found these pills, my eyes were blinded by tears, I quickly opened them and took five in my hand, I poured the five pills into my mouth and then everything became blurry and fuzzy, i fell down on my knees and laid all the way down, my body went numb, my eyes squinted trying to make everything out, the only thing i could make out was Liams blurry figure towering over me.

"Niall? Niall!? Somebody call the ambulance!!" but his voice was drowned out, I fell into darkness..

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