Twisted Magic

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This story is all thanks to a little chance trip I took, the villiage I went  to inspired this and I write as I saw it, although everything else is fictional, I think. :)

If you like it please vote or comment or both if you have the time I’d really appreciate feedback because I can’t make it better if you don’t tell me how. Also if you don't think I'm that bad a writer please check out my other work, again if you have time.

Good reading and writing to you all,



I woke up with a start to the sound of my phone blaring the noise of an old dial phone; I appreciate the irony of the sound against my new mobile. Rubbing at my eyes with my fists I tried to focus on the phone and determine who on earth is calling me, when you're alone in the world you don't get a lot of phone calls and the only reason I have a phone is to call 999 if needed, well now 911 I suppose, it doesn't have quite the same ring to it though. I picked up the phone and hovered for a few seconds over decline call but decided that if someone took the time to ring I might as well hear them out. 




"It's James just wondering how you're settling in with the Yanks".

"Oh, well thanks James and I'm fine but not exactly settled I know it's only been a couple months, but it doesn't feel right".

"Give it a chance Carls hey, you only just moved there".

"I know for definite that I'm closer I can feel it, I'm just not there yet".

"You're lucky you're loaded I don't know anyone else who can afford to move as much as you and at seventeen"!

"You're just jealous, how's boarding school"? I replied with a chuckle in my voice.

"Shit absolutely one hundred percent shit"!

"Maybe if I finally settle somewhere I could fly you out for Christmas or something"? I offered.

"That would actually make my year, I miss you" James added sadly, I missed him too but I can’t think about that too much or I’ll cry again and I’m not having him have to listen to that.

"Don't be a sap where's Dan"?

"We're not joined at the hip you know".

"Please you're completely smitten, I'm not going to have to fly him out too am I"?

"No! If I come see you it's best friends only no significant others".

"Significant others"? I laughed.

"You know what I mean and that goes for you too" I could hear the smile in his voice now.

"How many times there is no one".

"Yet and it might help if you stayed somewhere longer than three weeks and kept your bloody phone on, I'm surprised I even got through to you".

"There's no point in me having a phone, no family remember? No job, no nothing".

"Oh thanks very much"!

"You know what I meant James don't be difficult".

"Whatever but you need to keep your phone on otherwise I'll never be able to talk to you, my best friend forever". 

"Fine, for you I will make a conscious effort". 

"Thanks, so moving on again"? 

"I think so". 

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