chapter 3

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It was still dark when I woke up but I put it down to being winter, I’m sure that it’s at least seven o’clock I really need to unpack a clock today at some point. I know that I didn’t plan on unpacking at all but a clock is a necessity really, I like to know the time and it’s my damn house slash cottage slash barn thing right? It’s my name on the deed so yes, I will... doesn’t mean I’m sticking around my toothbrush is in the holder it doesn’t mean I’m picking out wallpaper does it? No it means I like my teeth to be clean.

I’m so tired still and so comfy and warm I don’t want to move but I’m going to have to be on the move if I don’t want to alert Caleb of my return, maybe I should text him...

Suddenly the bed gave a lurch and I almost screamed until I remembered last night. I turned around and sure enough there lay Caleb all snuggled up and toasty in my blankets which I was constantly fighting him for last night, if the man chooses to wear just boxers to bed it’s fault if he’s cold and I’ll be damned if I let go of my blankets in this fridge of a bedroom.

He is awfully sweet though and gorgeous and... magnetic all most, I just can’t seem to get away from him without being sucked straight back like he’s got me on an elastic string wrapped around his little finger. He’s so adorable when he’s sleeping, so at ease and small and vulnerable almost like a child that I want to keep safe.

Why did this have to happen to me? Me who took an oath to a solitary life, then it hit me this is his fault I always knew he was a little beast since the first time I laid eyes on him. I got up very slowly so as not wake Caleb and ran as quickly and as quietly as I could down the stairs to the kitchen to see Kai sat on the window ledge looking out into the huge garden.

“I have a bone to pick with you” I glowered. The black cat turned his eyes on me with a tiresome expression. 

‘What now’ he asks, if he could which he can’t... he’s a cat I’m just mad!

“I’ll tell you what, I specifically told you to stay here I even mentioned not wanting you to see Caleb did I not”?

‘You said, I believe something vaguely about my old master, I have no old master you are my only master, the boy and his mother merely kept me alive until you got here, so as for your mutiny comment last night it is completely void, although I suppose I did move, but I needed to stretch my legs’.

“You know perfectly well what I mean you sarky little beast, why did you do this to me”?

“Do what”?

“Have to make me meet him, Caleb”?

‘Because you’re meant for each other he told you himself quite clearly right before the oaf nearly knocked me flying’. I sighed and slumped on a stool shaking my head at the floor and Kai jumped down from the ledge to come sit on my lap. I immediately began stroking the top of his head absently like a reflex.

“What if I don’t want to be meant for anyone? Ever think of that”? I asked him.

‘Didn’t need to if you’re meant for someone you don’t have a choice that is the point of be meant for each other, besides I know you like him’.

“And it’s all your fault, if it wasn’t for you I could’ve gone on with my life and died alone like I planned to even if it had to be with you I would’ve gotten you friends so you had company and given you a whole room full of scratching posts and balls of string’.

“You were going to meet sometime believe me I just sped things along, but there’s nothing stopping you from making me my own room, but for goodness sake don’t buy any cats they’re all idiots apart from a select few like myself”.

“Someone better put down their trumpet”.

“Don’t blind me with your cockney jargin”.

“I’m not cockney... well my Dad’s side were but it’s a very well known saying where I come from anyway so shush... thanks to you I’ll hurt him if I leave now, he’d get over it though wouldn’t he”?

No, he wouldn’t not ever’.

“How do you know”?

‘It’s my job to know’.

“What does that mean”?

‘Never mind for now I’m hungry and that Tuna was delicious, wouldn’t happen to have anymore would you’?

“Yes” I sighed “wait here” he didn’t say anymore just licked his lips eyeing the fridge. I pulled the door open and grabbed the only thing in the fridge, Kai’s dinner and popped the Tuna steak into his little metal dish and sat down on my stool again watching him scarf the lot. “Pig” I muttered.  

“Who me”? I turned my head to see a groggy eyed Caleb stumbling into the kitchen still shirtless but back in his jeans.

“What are you doing up”? I wondered as he came to a stop in front of me and started to brush my hair with his fingers.

“I was going to ask you the same thing”.

“I had to feed Kai”.

“I think he could’ve waited another ten minutes, I was looking forward to waking up with you”.

“Oh I’m sorry, I just I have a lot on my mind” I said truthfully.

“Like what”? He asked concerned now.

“Oh you know the stresses of moving” I smiled convincingly.

“Well that’s alright I’m here I’ll help you unpack”.

“Uh I was actually thinking more about the empty fridge, I probably won’t unpack” his eyes became scared and his hands darted to my face holding it firmly.

“You promised me, you promised you wouldn’t leave me”.

“I won’t I just... I’d never leave you not really, I’d come visit” I offered hopefully but it just seemed to make him more upset.

“No you can’t, you can’t leave me not ever I need you, you can’t leave me” he pleaded crashing his lips against mine sending me into shock, I kissed him back gently but he didn’t want reassurance he wanted to be heard as he responded to my little kiss with fire licking at my lips in permission which I gave willingly and he wasted no time in letting his tongue into my mouth and the kiss went from gasping for breath speed to slow, deep and needy I was helpless against him grasping at every part of him I could, his chest and his shoulders and neck and hair as he pulled me from my seat never leaving my lips and placing me on the wood counter positioning himself between my legs I couldn’t stop the moan escaping me  at the feel of his body so close to mine. I turned my face away trying to breathe again as he decided to take my neck in his mouth making my leg muscles tighten around his waist, I just couldn’t get enough of him and I knew why he was doing this I could feel it he was trying show me how much he needs me how he can’t be without me and it was too much it was making me ache inside sucking me in too. My mouth found his ear and bit it lightly and I made him moan, and I loved it I trailed small kisses from his ear down his neck as his hands moved from waist to my thighs grazing the skin there, I pulled back a little to gain some sense and hugged his beautiful face to my shoulder stroking his cheek.

“Please don’t go” he groaned burrowing his head into my shirt. I kissed the back of his head pausing to let myself smell his hair.

“I won’t, I promise, I’ll never leave you Caleb” I whispered, “shall we unpack then”? I felt his shoulders sag in relief and his head nod against my chest.


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