Chapter 9

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“Kai this is never going to work for me lets just face it, I cannot do magic it is impossible”. I have been standing in this bloody clearing for a good ten minutes and nothing is happening at all I can’t stand not being able to do things straight away I’m not a very patient person it’s a curse but there you go.

With the that attitude it’s a wonder you get anywhere in life, now try again and focus you must picture in your mind what you want while willing your powers to surface it will be harder until you get used to summoning them”.

“Urgh! Kai this is making me tired”.

Good that means you’re doing it right, now chop chop”.

“Unum duo lumina, unum duo lumina, unum duo lumina”

Prenunciate child this is latin”.

“I’m trying Kai I really am there must be some other way to impress Caleb’s Mum please Kai”.

You and I both know this will get on your nerves until you master it so do us both a favour and get it over with now”. I shut my eyes taking a deep breath and let the air around me settle my thoughts and feelings to such a slow pace that they all seemed to collide and merge into one until I became aware of everything, every single sound from the steady beats of Kai’s heart to the bubbling of the steam that surrounded us. All I can think of, the need to be able to make my new family happy, to like me, to do something that will make them happy, to make my parents proud of me – and it was as if a fire started in me – ignited in m stomach burning to the tips of my fingers and toes, not hurting me guiding me, if I could guide that fire out, move it bend it to my will. My eyes flashed open as the energy in me built to its peak.  

“UNUM DUO LUMINA”! I froze feeling the warmth collect in my chest and watched in awe as it became something very real emanating from my chest but not in a ball as I had originally believed but in tendrils reaching like tenacious fingers at the sky until one latched itself around a ray of sunshine that had refracted from the silk on a spiders web hanging from an oak tree. As the two lights touched a spark fused them together and like a running tap poured their contents into the apparently unbreakable jar Kai had me buy on the way here although he says in time he’ll teach me to charm my own jars so I don’t have to buy them. When the jar was getting full I muttered the counter charm still in complete shock “Corpus luminis desinit”. At my words the connection between my light and that of the sun released their hold on each other and made their way back to their point of origin. When I was sure there was no light sticking out of me from anywhere I patted myself down to see if I was real, maybe this is a dream or something... all I know is that I am tired, extremely tired but my victory will be marred if I collapse now and staring at that light has given me colour spots in my eyes so I stood for a minute trying to blink them away. “What in the name of – of whatever was that”? I mumbled somewhat numb.

That Carly was magic and not too shabby either you should be very proud of yourself not many witches can keep such a steady stream of light like you did, they often have to start again especially the first time that was very impressive”.

“Thank you but I feel awfully tired”.

That’s expected you just need a pick me up”.

“No Kai I really need to sit down” so I did right there in the field.

You do look a little peaky, are you alright”?

“Yes I’m fine just sleepy I don’t really want to drive just yet” I yawned feeling dizzy as I rest my head back against the oak.

Kai wondered over to me and slumped against my right leg “Well that’s alright I didn’t expect you to get it so fast so we have time for a sit down”.

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