Chapter 7

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When I woke up the next morning it was to notice a heavy feeling weighing on my chest and opening my eyes I gave a startled scream.

“Was there any need for that”? Kai asked shaking his head as if to clear the sound from his ears.

“Carly! Are you alright”? Caleb was in a panic now looking me over for signs of damage.

“I’m fine and I’m sorry Kai decided he’d come and sit on me in my sleep”.

“I was trying to wake you up but when you didn’t respond extra measures had to be taken”.

“Well couldn’t it have waited”? Caleb asked irritated pulling me closer to him under the covers.

“No you got your chance to talk to Carly about things now it’s my turn”.

“What right now”?

“Yes right now come Carly there is much to discuss”.

“But I’m tired Kai later on okay I’ve only had –“ I paused to check my alarm clock “- four hours sleep” I whined.

“No now and you can go back to your Mother it isn’t proper all this staying over business”.

“We’re soul mates”.

“Not to mention this house is strictly PG thank you very much” I felt it had to be said I know he’s only a cat but I don’t want Kai having the wrong impression of me.

“Quite but I’d still like him to go I’m not pleased with him and having to look at him is irritating me”.

“Then go away I preferred when you couldn’t t-“

“That’s enough both of you for goodness sake! The pair of you can go if you keep on”.

“Sorry sweet heart” Caleb said with a quick kiss to my forehead.

“I will not apologise it is my right to wake you up whenever I like now go home Caleb so Carly and I can talk, now”.


“I have claws”.

“Kai stop it” I chided him as he walked across my chest and nudged his face against my cheek.

“Please Carly it’s very important”. I sighed scratching him behind the ears this cat is dangerous he knows how to get around me.

“Caleb could you maybe go home”?

“What”? He asked disappointed.

“Please I may as well get all of this information as soon as I can I don’t think I could take another blow like that once I’d had the chance to get my head around the first one”.

“For you I’ll go, but call me ok”?  

“Listen I’m going to tell you this now because I care about you, I really don’t use my phone very often the only reason I keep it charged is for James and even that’s starting to piss me off now but he’s going through a hard time right now so I don’t really want to make it worse for him, the point is you’d have a lot more luck getting hold of me by knocking on the door”.

“Why can’t you use it for me too we are soul mates Carly” he had a little edge to his voice that I didn't understand but he did have a point I should at least try.

“I know... fine I’ll try but don’t be surprised if I forget or something” I warned.

“Well at least you’re going to try but you should know my Mom is dying to see you”.

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