26. Stop being such a baby.

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"Stop being such a baby." I complain as we have been sitting in the car outside of my parents' house for a while. Devin is turning to me in a fury, but don't shout. Just watching me.

"You know what I am going in. With or without you." I say as open the door, but Devin grabs my hand before I can go out.

"I'm sorry, Andi." She tells me as I sit back down in my seat.

"Devin," I cup her cheek with my hand.

"It will be fine. There is nothing to be scared of."

"I'm not scared." She says annoyed. I snort as I lean in to kiss her.

"Then come with me then." I smile.

Devin and I step up to the house with our bags for the time we are going to stay here. I love the smell of the cold, evening air out here. Always did, and the only sound is the wind, but as I open the door, I am hit in the face with many voices.

Devin looks at me, and I can see the worry in her eyes. I lean in to kiss her cheek before we get into the living room. Where everyone is. My moms, brothers and my little sister. As always, the lights are dimmed and the Christmas tree is standing in the corner, looking amazing as it does every year.
"Hi, honey." Ma smile as she comes and gives me a hug.

"Hi." I say and lean back.

"This is Devin." I smile as I look at the younger girl. Who, has a cute smile on her face.

"Hi, Devin. I'm Hunt..."

"Goddammit Hunter!" Mom yells from the kitchen, making everyone shut up.

"And that is my lovely wife, Skylar." Ma smile to Devin, who is not sure how to react.

"Ma, what have you done now?" I chuckle, but she just winks to me as a mom comes out of the kitchen with a big smile. Devin seems confused as I meet her eyes.

"Oh, hi," She says as look at Devin surprised and reach out her hand.

"I'm Skylar."

"She knows, honey." Hunter chuckle, which cause mom to roll her eyes.

"Well, how could I know?" Mom says annoyed.

"I'm Devin." My girl says.

"It's nice to meet you Devin," Ma smiles as she moves so Devin can look around the living room.

"That is Nathan," Mom says, pointing at my older brother who waves, hello to Devin and she does the same.

"That is Ethan."
"She knows who I am mom." Ethan smile and say hello to Devin with his little girl in his arms.

"Oh, okay," Mom seems confused for a moment, but shut it off.

"That is Jace," My brother raises his hand, before he says hi.

"And that is Alex, the youngest." My little sister smiles shyly in her seat on the couch next to my twin brother Jace.

"Just find yourself at home." Mom says to Devin before she take ma by the arm and drag her into the kitchen. Devin follows me up the stairs to the same room that I lived in for years. It looks just like the same as I left it. The bed in the corner and the closet that is standing next to the window. Devin looks around curiously before she steps over to the window and look outside in the dark night. Then she turns to me with a smile.

"What?" I ask confused.

"I can see the stars from here." She says as she comes towards me slowly and laid her arms over my shoulders.

"I know. We can't see them where I live." I say sadly, all the light in the town takes the beautiful view away. That is why I love it so much here. It's just so peaceful and I love all the memories.

"You are right," Devin chuckle.

"Your family is weird." She tell and I roll my eyes as I snort.

"I told you." I wrap my arms around her back, holding her tightly. Knowing that all of her is mine. Knowing that she changed her whole life just so I would like her, to love her. Not like that made me fall for her. The first kiss did it, but I couldn't be with someone that lived her life like that.

"I love you and I am proud of you." I smile so bright just by the thought of how wonderful she truly is.

"I love you too, Andi. And thank you for helping me." She smile so grateful that I can see it all in her gorgeous eyes.

"I do it, because I care and love you, Devin." I tell her as she leans in for a kiss, but I move back to tease and she notices as she raises her eyebrow. She tries one more time, but I move back again. She wrinkles her cheek as it is starting to annoy her. Then I lean into her lips for a quick kiss.

"Not funny." She pout.

"I love the way you wrinkle your cheek." I chuckle.

"I wrinkle my cheek?" She asks, surprised and I start to laugh.

"Yeah, you do. It's adorable and you even do it when you sleep." I grin. Devin raises her eyebrows looking weirdly, but then she shakes it off.

"Well," She smirk.

"I like your butt." She says and grab it, making my cheeks turn red as she squeezes.

"Devin." I say embarrassed, leaning my face on her shoulder to hide.

"I do, it's so soft..."

"Shut up." I say and push her in the belly. She laughs as she moves back from me. I grab the pillow and throw it at her. She takes it and toss it back on its place. Before I know it, she tackle me down in the bed. Laughing, she holds my arms down in the bed. Leaning down to lay her lips on my neck.

"Devin, we don't have time for this." I smile, but close my eyes of her soft, sweet lips on my skin.

"Just, want, to, taste, you." She says between kisses until she put one last one on my lips.

"Well," I cup her cheek after she let go of my hands.

"We agreed to take this slow, so you can kiss me all over another time." I chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah." She mutter as she stands up to take my hand and we step back down to the others.


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