36. I know, I know

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Devin called me at work today. Asking me if it was okay that she could take one of her classmates' home. So they could work on their presentation in English. Of course, it is okay, I said. Why should she not invite someone home? Especially since, it has something to do about school and she might get a friend. It would be good for Devin to have someone she knows at school. So she do not to feel alone and like an outcast.

I smile as I see Devin coming with a brunette next to her. They are laughing about something, I don't what is, but I am glad Devin is smiling.

"Hi, babe." Devin says as she comes into the car and kiss my cheek. I smile and then turn to look at the girl who is now sitting in the back seat.

"Hi, I'm Andi." I say, introducing myself to the younger girl.

"Hi," She smiles kindly, but also a little shy.

"I'm Gwen." She says and we give each other a smile before I start driving again. I asked how Devin's day was. She said it was fine, which she always do.

Then I stop to pick up Kelly on my own. Devin didn't want to leave Gwen alone in the car and I could understand that. At first, I thought it would be a problem for Kelly to sit in the back seat with a stranger, but then I remember, it's Kelly we are talking about. She is babbling and babbling about her day at the preschool. I am happy to know she likes it there, but that mouth has no limits to how many words it can say in one day.

After making sure that every stomach is filled. Kelly and I are now watching cartoons, while Devin and Gwen are doing their homework. It seems like they are having a lot of fun together. I always love the sound of Devin's laugh and Kelly's. I snort lightly as Kelly comes to lay on my lap. Then I start to move my hand into her hair. Half an hour later, I hear her breath lightly. Indicating that she is asleep. No wonder that she is tired. Her mouth was moving all day. I just let her sleep on me, while I listen to the younger girls talk in the background.

"Babe?" Devin say and I turn to look at the beauty.

"Yeah?" I answer.

"Is it okay if I go to over to Gwen after school tomorrow?" Devin asks and I snort.

"Of course you can. I can take care of Kelly." I chuckle and watch Devin smile to me. Then I turn back to look at the TV. I roll my eyes of myself that I haven't changed the channel yet. So I decide to reach for the remote to find something else.

I wake up with a kiss on my forehead. Then smile of the view of Devin next to me. Kelly is not lying on me anymore, so I guess Devin must have taken her to bed.

"Gwen went home for a little while ago." She tells me and I nod with a big yawn. I take Devin's hand and drag her down upon me. She is laughing, while I am kissing her cheek hard.

"I love you so," I squeeze her butt, like she do to me sometimes.

"Much." I chuckle by the sound her laugh.

"I love you too." She smiles as she pushes herself up to lay her lips on mine, but I stop as I feel her hand moving under my shirt. I know what she wants, but we can't. Devin sighs in disappointed as she sits up on the edge of the couch.

"I know, I know." She say and then take a deep breath. I sit up behind her to lay my arms around her stomach.

"I'm sorry." I say, guilty. There is nothing more I want than to feel her warm, soft touch on my body. You have no idea how hard it is to resist her. When she touches me the way she do, because Devin really knows how.

"No, it's okay." She says, but I know she means the opposite. I just don't want to lose her. She means everything to me and I am just worried that it will turn out wrong if we rush this.

Then there is Kelly that is in our bedroom. I don't think there is a chance we can do it anyway if we keep on living here. There is no way I am going to do it on this couch, when Kelly is sleeping in my bedroom. Don't think I could have looked at the little girl the right way if she came in here.

Devin takes my hand and help me up to my feet.

"Let's go to bed." She smile and I follow her into the bedroom. After changing, we both lay down. Devin behind me as usual and I grab her hand to lay it under my pants on my hip. She does not stroke me, but I don't care. Her warmth is all I need.

"I love you." I whisper as I lay my arm around the sleeping tiny girl.

"I love you too."

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