Chaper 32: Tekonquasha

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Leland sits across the table from me, her eyes silently judging as she eats ice cream out of a pink plastic bowl. I sit with the old leather bound book in front of me, contemplating opening it. Having only seen the first page, I did not know what lies ahead. The great book emanates a sort of power that most people could not feel, but now having been trained in two types of witch-craft, I could feel it. The power hummed as if the book it self had life. Taking a deep breath I slowly pull the two strings apart and set each end gently on the table. Here goes nothing, I think.
I stare once again at the face of the noble Indian Chief. His eyes are pointed to the ground which is covered in bodies of fallen comrades and enemies. The dead seem torn to shreds. I flip to the next page and see a similar image but this time the Chief is surrounded by animals of all kinds. There are deer, mountain lions, cougars, wolves, owls, rabbits, dogs, and other various animals. The odd thing is that they stood behind him, as if they were an army waiting for Tekonquasha's command. I study the animals, looking strikingly new despite the books age. Wiping my sweaty palm on my pants, I turn the page once again. This page is exactly the same as the previous one, except for the fact that where the animals used to be men and women of all shapes and sizes filled their places. Where the deer was stood a tall woman with a small nose and long flowing hair. Her eyes stayed trained on Tekonquasha, where he stood clutching a large wooden staff containing many carvings. I try to read the words on the bottom of the page but the ink is too aged to understand.
"Woah, what's that?" Luke stands over my shoulder. His eyes fall upon and short stout woman. "Holy freaking Hell. Luce, look!" He points to the woman. "That is my great-great-great grandmother!"
"You're kidding...?" I feel my face screw up into a smile. "You know what this means?"
"Yeah, my grandma was a badass!" I hear Leland giggle.
"Luke watch your mouth." I punch him in the arm. "What I meant is that our ancestors new each other!" This discovery gives me a new found hope. I continue to flip through the book carefully. Page after page goes by, about the white settlers, but nothing catches my eye.
"So Luce, you find anything yet?" Bastian asks. He brings me a cup of joe and sets it carefully on the table. I lean over and kiss his cheek.
"Nothing yet, but I have come up with a theory."
"Well?" He asks, waiting for me to go on.
"This picture right here, well it's Tekonquasha surrounded by a bunch of animals. Like, random animals that are prey as well as predators standing together. Then-" I flip the pages to show him, "they are miraculously human. Plus, Luke said this woman is his great-great-great grandmother, I think." I point her out.
"Aaaaand? This means what?" Bastian is clearly confused.
"I think they're the same as Luke. I think these people are were-creatures. I mean that would only make sense, and I think Tekonquasha is not only the tribe leader, but the pack leader as well." I make air quotes around the word pack as I tell him.
"Wow, your brain amazes me." Bash says rubbing my shoulders. He chuckles.
"Do you I'm crazy?" I ask.
"Well babe not everyone is supernatural." He mumbles. I shrug his hand off.
"Well thanks for the coffee but I think you need to go." I say.
"Aw come on Luce!" He says pinching my arm. "Don't get all worked up about it!"
I glare at him, and then turn back to the book. I flip to the page after the one I had just finished reading and what'd ya know. My theory was actually right.
"Hey Bastian, guess what I just found!?" I clear my throat before reading the page out loud.
"Tekonquasha, one of the most powerful spirit walkers of them all, is accompanied by the the various creatures of the night." "His strength and courage make him one of the most influential people of the supernatural colonies."
I shake my head at Bash and stick my tongue out.
"Well I guess you were right." He says.

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