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"I always thought you and I would end up together," he says, wiping a tear from his cheek, "but I guess not."

I frown, sighing and grabbing his hand, "I'm so sorry, Kaleb."

"Was it me?" He sniffles, looking at me with pink, puffy eyes. I feel pity for him.

"No, Kal," I say, shaking my head no, "it was just, just things are so complicated right now. I need time to think."

He smiles softly, and leans in, giving me a soft kiss on my lips, and I frown at the fact that I feel nothing.

"Anything?" He asks, hope in his eyes.

I sigh, looking down at our hands, "No, Kal. I'm sorry."

He smiles, sniffles, then looks at me, "It's okay," he says, "but you better find someone who treats you like a fucking king, Mikey."

I chuckle softly, looking at him with a small smile on my face, "I'll do my best."

He smiles, and it's quiet for a few seconds. Then he gets up, grabbing his jumper on the way. He walks to the door and I follow.

"You better keep in touch," he says, "or I'll get very American on you and, uh, I dunno. Attack you with cheeseburgers or something."

I laugh at this, and Kaleb smiles at that. He sticks his hand up, mouthing a quick bye and walks to his car. As he drives away, I go back inside. I sit on the couch and close my eyes, sighing loudly.

"Ashton!" I shout.

I hear frantic footsteps come down the stairs, making me giggle.

I open my eyes and I see Ashton; messy hair, tired eyes.

I smirk, "Were you sleeping? It's six p.m."

He smiles, walking towards me, messing with his hair. He sits next me and sighs, "I slept with Connor last night."

My eyes go wide, and I sit up and face him, "You and Connor had sex?" I ask.

He nods, a cheesy smile on his face.

"So, no Luke?" I ask. I like Lashton. I've always been team Lashton. I don't really know about Cashton. I haven't seen them interact much.

Ashton shrugs, "I'm kinda over him."

I frown, "But he was always there for you. He's in love with you. He wants you, Ashton."

Ashton rolls his eyes, "Calum is the same way but I don't see you crawling back to him." He snaps.

I stay quiet, feeling hurt by his harsh words.

"I'm sorry." Ashton says, sighing, and getting off the couch. He walks to the stairs and looks at me, "You and I just have a lot to think about." He says, then walks up the stairs.

I groan and lean back into the couch. I sit there for a while, then an idea pops in my head. I grab my phone and go to a private chat with Luke.

michael: how fast can you get to california?







omg no ok

team lashton or cashton?

team malum or maleb? (i think that'd be their ship name)

lemme know fr what you guys think, i miss reading your comments. they always make me laugh. love you all !!

- haley

error → final book in the 'texting' seriesWhere stories live. Discover now