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luke: landed

michael: looking for you

I type back frantically, excited to see the blonde in person for the first time in a while.

"You suck at watching for people." A voice says, I turn around rapidly and I see Luke. A much more mature Luke, I'd say. He has his blonde hair messily down, and his lip ring is still there. He's got a bit of a beard, too. He's wearing black jeans and a random grey shirt. Never thought he'd look this way, but he looks kinda hot.

(picture on top is what luke looks like in the story now)

"Hey!" I say excitedly, grabbing him in for a hug. I hear him chuckle softly as I pull away, "Awesome to see you, dude. I can't believe I'm in LA! We have a lot to catch up on."

I smile, "Yeah, we do."


"So, why can't we go to your house? I wanna see Ashton." He asks, pouting his bottom lip.

I sigh, "I told you, he doesn't know you're here. It's gonna be a surprise!" I exclaim.

Luke sets his things on the hotel bed, and sits down on it and groans. He closes his eyes, "Are they cute together?" He asks.

"I don't really know," I start, "I never see them interact. They're so private." I say, and sit down next to him on the bed.

error → final book in the 'texting' seriesWhere stories live. Discover now