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ashton: change of plans, movie night ???

"Shit," I mutter, "shit, shit, shit."

"What's wrong?" Luke asks, groggily sitting up from the couch.

"Ashton is coming home. Tonight." I say. Luke groans.

"Who cares." He mumbles, snuggling back into the couch.

I scoff, panicking and pulling down streamers quickly, "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I exclaim.

Luke looks at me from the couch as I stand on the coffee table and pull decorations down, "Do you think he would like me if I was better looking?" He asks.

My eyebrows furrow, "No, Luke" I start, still pulling down decorations around the house, "because you are literally so hot."

Luke rolls his eyes and scoffs, "Whatever." He says, and snuggles into the couch again.

"Luke!" I giggle but whine, hoping he'll help me and either hide or just leave before Ashton comes home.

"Michael, just fuck off!" He yells, flipping me off in the process.

I sigh loudly, but between me running around the house like an idiot and screaming at Luke to help me, I get all the decorations down.

I sit down next to Luke on the couch, "Thanks for your help." I huff.

My head shoots up when I hear the door being unlocked, as does Luke's. Luke looks at me, wide eyed.

"Hide!" I whisper loudly, hitting his legs as he gets up rapidly.

Luke stands up and looks around and practically throws himself behind the couch. I snort, and quickly tell him to be quiet.

"Mikey?" I hear Ashton's voice echo through the house. I pretend to scroll on my phone, not at all showing how incredibly paranoid I am.

Ashton walks into the living room, black skinnies on and a random grey v-neck for clothes, holding his car keys and phone all in one hand, a Taco Bell bag in the other. He smiles at me.

"Hey," he says, "did you get my text?" He asks, throwing his keys on the coffee table in front of me.

I clear my throat, probably from nerves, and sit up, "Uh, yeah," I stutter, "just now."

Ashton sighs and sits next to me, "Me and Connor broke up." He says.

"Yes!" A small voice whispers loudly.

"Did you hear that?" Ashton asks, looking around the room frantically.

"Uh," I stutter, moving my legs around awkwardly, "I didn't hear anything. Maybe you're going insane, Ash. Do we need to lock you up?" I ask, sarcastically.

He laughs, "Shut up, I hate you." He mumbles, then unlocks his phone. I see he's texting Luke.


Oh, no.

Ashton looks over at me, eyebrows furrowed, "Was that you?" He asks.

I quickly grab my phone from beside me and nod, "Yup, it was me! Good old Michael with the super loud phone! I should probably turn it down." I say, hoping Luke will take the hint.

error → final book in the 'texting' seriesWhere stories live. Discover now